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Dementia: More than a third of all diseases could Natural medicine can be prevented natural remedies specialist portal

About a third of all dementia cases are preventable

Millions of people worldwide suffer from dementia. For the majority of dementias, there are, according to experts, currently there is no therapy that leads to healing. However, more than a third of all dementia cases could be prevented. This is evident from a recent report.

Dementia is an umbrella term for different disease. The diseases are different, all however, in the long term, the loss of mental capacity. Most forms of dementia cannot currently be cured. But many could be prevented.

Three new risk factors

Such as the German society for neurology (DGN) writes in a recent communication, the suffering in the world 50 million people have dementia, of which in Germany alone, 1.6 million; up to the year 2050, there will be an estimated 2.8 million.

Although, or precisely because dementia is currently not (yet) curable, are prevention and early detection is very important, because the development and course are in great extent influenced. The current “Report of the Lancet Commission 2020 shows”. Accordingly, 40 percent of all dementia could be prevented cases, or at least significantly be delayed, if all risk factors are avoided or minimized.

The professionals supplemented the previously known nine modifiable risk factors, to three new ones: skull-brain-Trauma, air pollution and excessive alcohol consumption (> 21 units of alcohol per week).

Already in 2017, the following factors have been identified (listed in order of decreasing impact strength): hard of hearing, low education, Smoking, lack of social contacts, Depression, hypertension (high blood pressure), Obesity, physical inactivity, and Diabetes mellitus. In total, up to 40 referred to the dementia go diseases to the detriment of the above-mentioned factors.

For the prevention it is never too late

Like the author, run authors, it is never too late to begin with a dementia-prevention. Significant for the everyday life of a newly identified risk factor for head injuries (for example, in road traffic and in sports) is.

“This shows that Bicycle helmets or helmets in certain high-risk sports is a protection against later dementia,” says Professor Dr. Peter Berlit, Secretary-General of the DGN. “The harmful influence of alcohol and air pollution should be widely communicated.”

In the Lancet Report is not only detailed account of these factors and their modifiability, but he also gives recommendations for the care of people with dementia. Will involve striving for a holistic care, the physical, psychological and mental aspects as well as age-related comorbidities.

Social contacts, the care and the protection of the dementia patient and to avoid patient must be ensured, also in order to avoid unnecessary hospitalizations. Not least, the Situation nourishing is keep a pair in mind (for example, Stress, anxiety, Depression), because to “Care for family carers” has lasting impact on their quality of life and morbidity.

National Dementia Strategy

Statistically, there are already a dementia Person in every 25. German household – and in view of the demographic development, this number will continue to rise. That dementia is not only a health but also a General social Problem, illustrated by an Initiative of the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, senior citizens, women and youth (BMFSFJ) and the Federal Ministry for health (BMG) under the Co-chair of the German Alzheimer’s society, have developed together a National dementia strategy.

Were involved in the individual countries, the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF), the Federal chamber of physicians, kassenärztliche bundesvereinigung, the care associations – a total of over 70 health care organizations, the civil society and academia, among other things, the DGN.

Four thematic areas have been defined. First, improved conditions for as long as possible, the social part should the Sick have to be created. In the municipalities must be designed to ensure the social infrastructure or the environment on-site dementia friendly.

Secondly, family members or caregivers should receive more support, advice and adequate deals for regular time-outs to relax in everyday life. Thirdly, the medical and nursing care should continue to be expanded. And the fourth goal is to promote excellent research on dementia.

The information, according to the parties Involved with the signing of the National dementia strategy for the implementation of a total of 27 goals until 2026 obliged.

“The National dementia strategy is, therefore, a milestone. You will significantly contribute to improving the care of dementia patients in Germany. Together with the under the umbrella of the National dementia strategy groups are active (e.g. DGN) will be explored in new ways,“ says Prof. Richard Dodel, eating, dementia expert from the DGN. “In addition, modifiable risk factors represent a great opportunity: More than one-third of all dementias might be prevented!” (ad)

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  • Posted on October 1, 2020