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(HealthDay)—In a document entitled “Interim Guidance for Basic and Advanced Life Support in Adults, Children, and Neonates With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19,” published online April 9...

In March, someone in Seattle became the first person in the United States to take an experimental dose of a potential vaccine for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Doctors injected 45 healthy people as...

Sepsis is a life-threatening illness caused by the human body’s immune response to infection, however if the body overreacts it can lead to death. Nearly 270,000 deaths occur in the United States...

Simon Gregson, 45, who’s played Steve McDonald on ITV soap opera Coronation Street since 1989, thanked NHS staff last week for their efforts during the coronavirus pandemic. While praising their...

Aspirin is associated with a reduction in the risk of developing several cancers of the digestive tract, including some that are almost invariably fatal, such as pancreatic and liver cancers. The largest...

Through its Healthbox subsidiary, HIMSS is facilitating peer-to-peer sharing of COVID-19 technology solutions and lessons learned on the COVID-19 Digital Think Tank. On today’s HIMSSCast, host Jonah...

Most people’s blood pressure goes down during the night, which doctors call “dipping.” But for some people, especially those with high blood pressure, their nighttime pressure stays...

(HealthDay)—The rates of pregnancy-related acute kidney injury (AKI) hospitalizations increased during the last decade, according to a study published in the March issue of the American Journal of Nephrology. Silvi...

Like a parent of teenagers at a party, Mother Nature depends on chaperones to keep one of her charges, the immune system, in line so that it doesn’t mistakenly attack normal cells, tissues and organs...

Lately, our daily lives include reading complex news items with analysis of curves, simulations and models of COVID-19. Municipal governments present predictions of possible outcomes from modelling, while...