A paper published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO), “Imaging hydroxyapatite in sub-retinal pigment epithelial deposits by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy with tetracycline staining,”...
It is not surprising to hear that sales of alcohol are rising during this COVID-19 pandemic. Retail sales data for the United Kingdom reported an additional £104 million was spent in the last week of...
In order to plan a dental implant operation and the implant size and position, dentists need to know the exact location of the mandibular canal, a canal located in both sides of the lower jaw that contains...
It’s not news that health officials want everybody to wear a face mask in public as a measure to slow the spread of COVID-19.
The novel coronavirus is an extremely small particle that hitches a...
Most people in lockdown are still able to attend the shops for essentials, take an hour outside for exercise and can maybe soon see an end in sight. But classed as extremely vulnerable we’ve...
Babies as young as 4 months old differentiate between a parent’s hug and a stranger’s, new research finds.
An infant’s first year is an important time of development, both physiologically and...
Problem: Eating red meat
As Australians, we eat about 50 per cent more meat than recommended. Despite our love of the stuff, red meat, especially beef, takes a tremendous toll on the environment.
A 2018...
Early GP referrals are likely to lead to cancer patients surviving longer, a study by King’s College London and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has found.
The analysis...
The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: More than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 142.422 of them in Germany. To slow the spread of the Coronavirus, have placed...
In its aims to reduce the burden on the government and NHS during the coronavirus outbreak, Iotics is offering a more seamless solution to providing the status of vital care bed availability.
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