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Barely three months ago, the anti-malarial drug that President Donald Trump touted seemed like such a sure bet against COVID-19 that Susanna Naggie had a tough time setting up a national clinical trial...

Access to targeted therapies for lung cancer depends on accurate identification of patients’ biomarkers through molecular testing, but survey results published today in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology...

A research team from the University of Valencia has carried out a study of infection and immunity markers by detecting antibodies in the blood of seven different genotypes of the rotavirus VP8 protein,...

More than half of young men aged 19-24 have breached the UK’s lockdown rules by meeting with a group of friends, according to a study showing they are far less compliant than other young people. This...

(HealthDay)—Persons aged 60 to 69 years with COVID-19 are the most commonly hospitalized, according to a research letter published online April 24 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Laura...

Britain could see as many as 66,000 COVID-19 deaths during the first wave of the current pandemic, new research showed Tuesday, making the outbreak there by far the deadliest in Europe. Modelling conducted...

The N95 respirator masks should be preserved for health-care workers involved in inserting breathing tubes for patients with COVID-19. More common medical masks are fine for all other COVID-19 treatment,...

How is the COVID-19 crisis impacting the most vulnerable among us? Tens of millions of Americans fit that description—the poor, the homeless, immigrants, the detained and incarcerated, the precariously...

Analysis of human mobility and epidemiological data by a global consortium of researchers, led by the University of Oxford and Northeastern University, shows that human mobility was predictive of the...

The vast majority of the UK public are washing their hands more regularly, but only half avoided crowded areas and social events over the past week. The findings come in a report from the Imperial College...