‘I have had to ask the US to save me’: British dual national stuck in coronavirus-hit Wuhan will be airlifted to safety by America today after UK government abandons him in ‘ghost town’...
How onions and old cheese could help inflammatory bowel disease: Scientists find diets rich in pre and probiotics ease gut cramps – but milk, pasta and rice will make them worse
Researchers tested...
Young girls who are about to undergo treatment for cancer or other therapies that pose high risk of infertility can opt to have an ovary removed and preserved for future transplantation when they are...
A group of researchers led by Assistant Professor WATABE Tadashi of the Graduate School of Medicine of Osaka University achieved the stable domestic production of automatic synthesis modules for positron...
Cancer patients have had to wait longer for innovative new cancer drugs than for more conventional treatments, suggesting the most exciting new therapies have not been successfully fast tracked, a new...
(HealthDay)—In an American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists updated guideline, published online Jan. 13 in the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and the Journal...
Published online today in the scientific journal Addiction, a 10-year study led by researchers at UCL of 41,610 smokers in England has found that smokers today show fewer signs of dependence than a decade...
British children’s lunches are just as unhealthy as they were a decade ago with fewer than 2% getting a balanced pack-up from their parents
Analysis shows 1.6% of eight and nine-year-olds have balanced...
The Chinese government has quarantined Wuhan, a port city of 11 million people, and it has restricted travel to and from several other cities, including Beijing, to contain the coronavirus that has sickened...
A new study shows drinking low-fat milk—both nonfat and 1% milk—is significantly associated with less aging in adults.
Research on 5,834 U.S. adults by Brigham Young University exercise science professor...
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