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It wouldn’t be Mother’s Day without flowers and a messy breakfast in bed. But is there more we can do for mom’s long-term benefit, and perhaps even for motherhood in general? There surely...

Diabetes is called an incurable disease because once it develops, it does not disappear regardless of treatment. Having diabetes means a life-long obligation of insulin shots and monitoring of blood glucose...

Large numbers of people around the globe have been forced into solitude due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, social distancing is utterly at odds with our drive for social connection, the cornerstone...

A glass of wine or beer is a relaxing way to end the day, but in these times of COVID-19 stress, is it possible to drink a little too much? Casual drinking could tipple into something more if we aren’t...

Lately, our daily lives include reading complex news items with analysis of curves, simulations and models of COVID-19. Municipal governments present predictions of possible outcomes from modelling, while...

Immunocompromised is a broad term reflecting the fact someone’s immune system isn’t as strong and balanced as it should be. Because immunocompromised people’s immune systems are defective...

Disrupting the production of a class of lipids known as sphingolipids in neurons improved symptoms of neurodegeneration and increased survival in a mouse model, according to new research led by the joint...

Tens of thousands of people around the world are currently fighting against the Sars-CoV-2 induced disease Covid-19, many have succumbed to its consequences. Researchers are working to find drugs, the...

There are three main types of pain: nociceptive pain, the type we’re most familiar with, from bee stings and ankle strains to inflammatory arthritis. There’s neuropathic pain, arising from...

If you were walking through the jungle and a tiger came lunging toward you, you would probably run. But if you spotted a tiger way off in the distance, your brain would take the time to imagine possible...