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Woman’s amazing transformation after giving up alcohol for 30 days

Sexpert Nadia Bokody often talks about relationships on her popular YouTube channel.

But in her latest video, the influencer explored a very different topic.

The Australian influencer showed her 253,000 subscribers what happened when she gave up booze for 30 days.

She explained: “I’m going to try and go through October without alcohol.

“It’s going to be a struggle but I’ve noticed my anxiety has been getting worse since I’ve been drinking more so I want to do it for my mental health and physical health.”

Nadia’s transformation was seriously impressive – and it had great impacts on her mental health too.

On her first week going alcohol free, Nadia did pretty well.

She went on a date night with her boyfriend and enjoyed a virgin negroni, which she said was “actually pretty good”.

The following day, she added: “The good news coming back from a night out without drinking is I woke up this morning without a hangover – so that was nice.”

Nadia felt fresh enough to go for a picnic with her friends in Shark Harbour, Sydney.

These outdoor meet-ups are usually very boozy but Nadia managed to swerve alcohol and still have fun.

Week two brought more challenges for Nadia.

She went out for Mexican food but had to avoid the temptation of her favourite margaritas.

The sexpert stayed strong and made it into week three without breaking her Stoptober promise.

Her boyfriend Ky broke his no alcohol vow for the first time though – but Nadia wasn’t jealous of his boozing.

She said: “I’m still being good. I’m here with my water in a cocktail glass to make myself feel better.

“Thankfully, I’m not jealous of Ky at all because he’s going to have the worst hangover in the morning and I’m going to wake up all fresh.”

In the last week, Nadia purchased some alcohol-free wine to get her through the final stretch.

She also headed out for a girls night in a bar – and surprisingly, found it quite easy not to drink.

The sexpert admitted: “I thought it was going to be so hard but it’s almost like the longer you do it, the more it becomes second nature.

“It was a struggle at the start of the month to turn down alcohol, but I didn’t feel the need to get a cocktail.

“I felt fine having my mocktail and enjoying the time with my friends.”

So how did the experiment impact Nadia’s physical and mental health?

She ended up feeling much better mentally and happier with her skin and body.

The YouTuber said: “It has officially been one month today and I can happily say I did it…

“I realised I don’t actually need alcohol to have a good time.

“Will I go back to drinking? Yes. But I have realised I don’t actually need alcohol to have a good time.”

She added: “I have realised I don’t like drinking as much as I thought I did. I think I was using it as a social lubricant.

“My mental health is so much better I was getting so much anxiety when I was drinking more heavily and that anxiety is just gone.

“I feel like I look better – I’ve lost a couple of kilos, which is around four pounds.

“I’ve also been every day so it could be to do with that but I’ve also not been drinking so I have the energy to get up and exercise…

“I look healthier now and my skin looks healthier.”

Source: Read Full Article

  • Posted on November 16, 2020