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Diet: a Longer and stress free life with buckwheat? Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

Buckwheat from the cast a positive impact on the health

Buckwheat seems to increase the salary of a special Protein in the body, which contributes to the aging process slows down and the resistance to stress increases.

In the current investigation, with the participation of the Siberian Federal University, it was found that consumption of buckwheat seems to be the aging process to slow down and at the same time, the stress resistance is improved. The results were published in the English journal “Journal of Cereal Science”

Role of nutrition for the health

Many people eat unhealthy and suffer from Stress, which has a negative impact on health. Vitamins and amino acids are precursors of important Regulations and building molecules in the body. A of vitamins and amino acids rich diet can help to keep the digestive system healthy. In contrast, an unbalanced diet or Overeating can lead to the emergence of various diseases.

How can be improved the production of SIRT1?

A healthy low-calorie diet that contains plant products that can help to improve the production of the Protein Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), which is known to increase the life expectancy. In a rat study, the researchers sought to find out how the inclusion of buckwheat to this Protein and the health benefits. The only known method to optimize the levels of this Protein so far is a restriction of calorie intake.

Buckwheat increased SIRT1

A diet based on buckwheat base contributes to increase the content of the Protein SIRT1 in the body, which protects all cells in the body and increases longevity without starving you must, report the researchers. SIRT1 is a Protein that the nutritional status of the cells recorded. When the SIRT1 levels increase in a cell on purpose, slows your aging process and your resistance to stress is improved. The Excess of SIRT1 in the organs and tissues of a living being is, however, a sign of Hunger, which can lead to anemia and other negative effects.

How was established the study?

In the study of the diet of rats was added to wheat a 30 percent share of the book, then the possible impact on health were investigated. The animals were divided into three groups each with eight rats. A control group received a regular amount of food, in the second group, the calories intake was reduced by 30 percent. The third group received regular feed with the addition of ground buckwheat, from the eighth up to 30 percent of the total feed weight measuring.

What caused feeding with buckwheat?

Buckwheat contains dietary fiber, which can be digested by humans and rats, only partially. In view of this, calculated the researchers, the daily amount of feed for the third group so that they had the same nutritional value as the feed of the second group.

Buckwheat promotes growth and development

After eight weeks, samples from the blood, the liver, the kidney and the stomach of the animals were taken to measure the levels of SIRT1. In addition, the weight of the rats in the course of the experiment was monitored. The animals of the third group increased more weight than those in the second group, although both groups took the same amount of calories. This indicates that buckwheat is guaranteed in the long-term growth and good development.

Calorie restriction led to the highest SIRT1-values

The highest level of the SIRT1-production was registered in the group with calorie restriction, however, was accompanied by a reduction in body and organ weight. In the experimental group, the values of the Protein were higher than in the control group, but there was observed no weight loss.

Advantages of the diet with buckwheat

The results of the study show that a diet with buckwheat has an effect of calorie restriction, because this grain contains a lot of indigestible fiber. Book a low-calorie product is wheat, and when it is added to a food, it increases the production of SIRT1. This Protein in turn protects the cells of the digestive system without causing Hunger, and growth loss in the animals.

Effect of other herbal products on SIRT1?

The researchers assume that also other herbal products such as cereals, vegetables, fruit or nuts could have a similar effect on the SIRT1-production and on health in General. This could be a good target for further research. For a long and healthy life it is recommended, however, now, more buckwheat to be included in the diet. (as)

Authors and source of information

  • Posted on July 27, 2020