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COVID-19: Protect the dietary supplements against viruses? – Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

As a dietary Supplement before COVID-19 to protect

A healthy diet and the intake of certain supplements could be a safe and cost-effective means to support our immune system in the fight against COVID-19 and other acute respiratory diseases. A recent study has investigated the effect of various vitamins and micro-nutrients in the protection against viruses.

In the study at Oregon State University, it was found that nutritional supplements with vitamins C and D and other micro-seem nutrients suitable to support the human body fight COVID-19 and other acute respiratory diseases. The results of the study were published in the English journal “Nutrients”.

So, we support our immune system in the fight against COVID-19

If people take supplements with Vitamin C and D and other micro-take nutrients, this could support the immune system in the fight against COVID-19 and other acute respiratory diseases. Therefore, would have to be pronounced in the health sector in addition to the hygiene guidelines and the recommendations a clear dietary recommendations to prevent the spread of infections to counter, emphasize the researchers.

A healthy diet supports the immune system

Worldwide, more than 2.5 million people die each year from acute respiratory infections. “In the meantime, there is a Wealth of data that show what is the role of a healthy diet in supporting the immune system. As a society, we need to convey this message to (…) better,“ says study author Professor Adrian Gombart from Oregon State University, College of Science, in a press release announcing the study results.

What vitamins are particularly important?

Certain fatty acids, vitamins and minerals play a key role in supporting the immune system. In particular, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc and a fish-occurring Omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid, known as DHA, for the immune function is of crucial importance.

What is Vitamin D and C cause?

“The role played by vitamins C and D in the case of the immunity, is particularly well known”, reported Professor Gombart. Vitamin C is involved in several aspects of immunity, including the growth and function of immune cells and antibody production. Also Vitamin D receptors on immune cells to influence their function. This means that Vitamin D influences their response to infections in depth.

People don’t often take enough of the nutrients

“The Problem is that people don’t just take in enough of these nutrients. This could destroy your resistance to infections. As a result, we are experiencing an increase in diseases and all of the additional burdens associated with these diseases,” adds the author of the study.

Dosages need to be increased

Therefore, the researchers advise not only to a everyday multi-vitamin Supplement, but also to dosages of 200 milligrams or more of Vitamin C. This value is higher than in the dietary guidelines, but will still be safe. It is also recommended by the researchers, 2,000 international Vitamin D units to take.

Influenza kills every year hundreds of thousands of people

The intake of food supplements could make a big difference when it comes to protecting against disease, report the researchers. Every year, for example, would alone due to Influenza millions of people to the hospital and several hundred thousand die worldwide.

Standard procedures to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

“The prevalence and effects of respiratory viruses contain developed a series of standard procedures in public health: wash your hands Regularly, avoiding contact to people with infectious symptoms, and the Covering of the nose and mouth when you cough,” explains Professor Grombart. For certain viruses, such as flu, for example, there is annual vaccination campaigns.

We are in need of supplementary strategies

Professor Gombart stressed that the current practices of public health, such as contact restrictions, Hygiene, and vaccinations are important and effective, but additional strategies were required. A diet scientific focus on the immune system could contribute to minimize the impact of many types of infections.

We are simply not doing enough?

“The current Situation with COVID-19 and the number of people who die from other respiratory infections, making it clear that we are not doing enough. We encourage the health authorities, nutrition strategies in your Arsenal to be incorporated,“ adds the Professor. (as)

  • Posted on April 26, 2020