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Coronavirus infection or flu: how to recognize the difference Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Summer flu and Corona: Similar symptoms

A lot of people currently have often have to cough or a cold, think quickly to infection with the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. But behind such symptoms, a COVID is not usually-19-disease, but a so-called summer flu.

Even if the panic is not as great as a few months ago: Who is coughing currently and sniffs, often has concern with the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infected. Such complaints but also occur in other diseases. And in most cases it is a harmless summer flu.

A strong immune system in the summer

Actually, the defenses should be in the summer are particularly strong. Because most of the people are kept in the warm Season, a lot of time Outdoors, reducing the Vitamin D production is stimulated. In addition, it is often also consumed a lot of fruit.

However, the frequent change between cold and heat in the last few weeks can be for the body very stressful. And as a result, the susceptibility to infection increases. If symptoms such as cough and cold set, think a lot of quickly COVID-19. However, this fear is mostly unfounded. Much more likely is that behind the symptoms, a so-called summer flu’s.

No “richtige” Flu

The “summer flu” is a cold and not a “proper” flu. The latter is caused by Influenza viruses and can, however, get vaccinated. Against the summer flu there is no vaccine, it is caused by entero virus. “For these viruses, especially lubrication, but also of droplet infections are characteristic,” explains Heidi Guenther, a pharmacist at the Barmer health insurance company in a communication.

This risk of Infection to reduce the expert advises to wash several times a day your hands thoroughly. It is also useful to keep the mucous membranes in the nose and mouth due to Drink sufficiently humid, so that may put unwanted viruses, bad fixed.

A large part of the Infected did not notice that you have attached. When it comes to Complaining, resemble these symptoms usually the normal cold. So the summer is accompanied by flu-including cough, runny nose, throat, ears and headaches, limb pain, elevated temperature, and chills. In children it often leads to conjunctivitis, according to the Landratsamt Berchtesgadener Land in a leaflet.

In addition, the virus can gastro-intestinal complaints such as diarrhea and vomiting. More disease images, herpangina (painful canker sores in the mouth and throat), Hand-foot-mouth disease (also canker sores on the hands and feet), various skin rashes, and rare forms of heart, brain as well as brain inflammation.

In addition, the summer weaken flu-symptoms the immune system in addition, so that bacteria can more easily enter the body and the risk for so-called secondary infections, such as a middle ear or inflammation of the lungs, rises. Particularly, severe cases can occur according to the professionals in the newborn.

Contrast to Influenza

What is the difference to “real” flu is? In contrast to Influenza, the symptoms of the summer, to worsen the flu slowly. The disease takes an overall milder course than the flu, and should be after one to three days subsided.


And as a by the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 triggered COVID-19-disease makes itself felt? As the most common signs of the disease are reported in Germany, cough and fever, explains the Federal centre for health education (BZgA) on your Portal “infektionsschutz.de”.

There are also a number of other signs of illness such as runny nose, loss of smell/sense of taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, head aches, joint pains and General weakness are possible.

However, the disease progressions of non-specific, diverse, and vary greatly. Therefore, no generally valid statements can be made to the “typical” course of the disease make. Infection can also occur without signs of the disease, it is also a disease with severe lung are inflammation to lung failure, and possible death.

Against a Corona of infection, no vaccination is yet available. Therefore, you should always keep to the generally applicable measures taken, which are summarized in the AHA-formula: distance (a minimum of 1.5 meters), hygiene rules to be observed (coughing and Sneezing into the crook of your arm or a tissue, wash hands), everyday wear a mask (if it is tight or in full, closed areas), declared the Federal Ministry of health on the Portal “Together against Corona”. (ad)

Authors and source of information

  • Posted on July 26, 2020