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Corona-pandemic: Two cities want to draw in possible emergency brake earlier

The Coronavirus pandemic, the world and Germany in breath, More than three million people have already signed up with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 infected – 164.841 of them in Germany.

The two major cities of Magdeburg and Halle in Saxony-Anhalt want to react in the case of a new coronavirus outbreak rather restrictions than the Federal government and the länder agreed. This was announced by the mayor on Wednesday. Hall would intervene if there were in a week, 35 new HIV infections per 100,000 inhabitants, said the party WHETHER Bernd Wiegand. This number was in the last weeks of the peak value.

With a view to the number of inhabitants of the city, this ratio is approximately 85 new cases per week would be achieved. Also, Magdeburg, Germany would intervene early, said mayor Lutz Trümper (SPD). "But not, we cripple the entire city." Indeed, it should be locally decided, as the Situation contained could be.

In the deliberations of the Federation and the länder representatives, according to the German press Agency, agreed on Wednesday to the fact that the countries with major outbreaks of consistent tightening of the Corona-guarantee rules. Appropriate restrictions should grab as a result, 50 new infections per 100,000 population within a week.

Fitness studios in NRW are allowed to from 11. May open

North Rhine-Westphalia allowed already as from this Thursday , again, non-contact sport and the training Outdoor. The Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) announced on Wednesday in Düsseldorf to a Federal-state-Switch to the Corona-crisis. The precondition is the compliance of 1.5 m is the distance between the sports.

Fitness studios, dance schools and training rooms of sport clubs in North Rhine-Westphalia from 11. May, under strict conditions open. 20. May may free bathrooms open – however, with the exception of fun baths. 30. May may sports enthusiasts, even in areas with unavoidable body contact back to your sports exercise. Also, the indoor pools are allowed to from 30. May again start operating.

Theatre, Opera and cinemas in North Rhine-Westphalia in the 30. May, subject to conditions, to re-open. The minimum distance of 1.5 meters between the visitors, however, needs to be ensured, so Laschet. Through the increased use of folders, collections were in a Wait – and to prevent the break area.

Restaurants may from 11. May re-open. The permission will apply to the Interior and the exterior, said Laschet. Hotels may from 21. May also for tourists open. Requirements compliance with the safety distance, as well as a Hygiene and infection protection concept.

All elementary school students in NRW are now starting in 11. May in a day of exchange in the class, have return facilities. To date, there had been discrepancies in the black-and-yellow NRW coalition.

Rheinland-Pfalz announces relaxations

The contact restrictions in the Corona-crisis remain the Palatinate in the Rhineland-for the time being – but will be slightly loosened. In the future, are likely to meet again people from two households to each other, said Minister-President Malu Dreyer (SPD) on Wednesday in Mainz, Germany, after a Switch of the heads of government of the Federation and the länder.

The schools in Rhineland-Palatinate are to 25. May be opened for additional classes. The third classes of the primary schools and classes of the lower secondary education in the secondary schools, are informed to the Minister of education Stefanie Hubig (SPD).

From now on, are also of leisure and sport in the Free allowed again. Competitions should not give it but yet, Dreyer. Certain Individual and some sports such as Tennis or Golf were since 20. April allowed.

Especially under the Corona-crisis-suffering dining establishments in Rhineland-Palatinate can be subject to conditions, from the 13. May re-open.

Earlier, the state government re-visits to Old people’s and nursing homes allowed. 7. May be allowed a guest for a maximum of one hour per day, said health Minister Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler (SPD). The new regulation applies initially for 14 days.

Thuringia loosens contact restrictions

Thuringia loosens the contact restrictions and can be re-Meeting of people from two different households. The Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) said on Wednesday after a telephone conference of the Minister presidents of the Länder with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) switching.

All further messages to the Corona-crisis and the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus, you can find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Only summer temperatures, black ice – Eisheilige bring violent Storms

The Weather Channel Only summer temperatures, black ice – Eisheilige bring violent Storms


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  • Posted on May 6, 2020