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British Corona-dead number does not exceed 20.000

The Coronavirus pandemic, the world will continue to be in respiratory: Significantly more than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 152.366 of them in Germany. All the News on the Corona-crisis and the fight against the spread of the Virus, you can find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

  • The countries-Overview of the Live card to the Virus outbreak and the Covid-19 Radar facts and Figures

British Corona-dead number does not exceed 20.000

16.34 PM: As the fifth country in the world needs the UK more than 20,000 Corona-the Dead complain. The number of the dead rose in the past 24 hours to 813.

Families are in breach of quarantine: Corona Tests in 117 apartments

Top news (15.18 PM): Because two families in a high-rise building in North Rhine-Westphalia, in spite of Corona infections of their quarantine leave, now all of the 450 residents of the 117 homes be tested. A spokesman for the Rhein-Kreis Neuss confirmed that the complex in Grevenbroich will be fenced on Sunday and then approximately eight hours, the Tests are to be carried out. The "Rheinische Post" had previously reported.

According to the circular speaker, the members of the families – including both adults and children – more contact with neighbors. The Test of the other high-rise residents should first of all be voluntary. Who, however, do not test, will, as a precaution, need to stay in quarantine. Until the test results are after about two days there, should in any event remain all the residents in the building. The fences and the control of inputs and outputs remained until then, the circle of speakers.

The affected families were, according to "Rheinischer Post" meanwhile, the health Department placed somewhere else. There is also to ensure that the eight people remained in the quarantine.

Lung specialist reports of abnormalities in patients

Top news (15.14 PM): According to the pulmonary specialist Thomas Voshaar, chief doctor at the hospital Bethanien Moers, as well as President of the Association of pneumological clinics (VPK), is the true Corona-risk group, a other than first believed. The news portal "watson" he said: “We have observed that the at-risk groups that could be affected by a disease at Covid-19 at the most, put together differently, as at the beginning of the pandemic meant. So, we have found that patients with Diabetes or hypertension, i.e. high blood pressure, regardless of the age most likely to experience a severe course of the disease.“

Most of the dead did not die after infection with Sars-CoV-2 to pneumonia, however, a disturbance of the microcirculation of the lung was in many visible. “This is a disorder of blood circulation in the lungs in which the smallest blood vessels are affected. Then, the process of oxygen exchange do not or no longer works fully,“ said the doctor. dpa/Sven Hoppe/dpa/picture Icon , A researcher prepares samples of people with Covid-19 suspicion for further analysis.

The doctor reported other abnormalities at the Corona-patients: “A part of the Covid-19-patients had embolism. These are blood clots that, if they dissolve, like a Torpedo shooting to the lungs. Then plug the arteries of the lungs.“ Voshaar and his Team have for all Corona-Ill in addition, the CTs carried out. They found: “In Covid-19 are almost ignited both of his lungs, in a classical inflammation of the lungs, usually only one. Otherwise, the lungs recordings of our patients show patterns of a wide range of Inflammatory. There is no uniformity.“

Further, the physician of strange symptoms, which were found to be Diseased reported: “One of our employees who had been infected outside the hospital with the Coronavirus, reported to us that he could not smell for a short time before the onset of the Disease in the shower suddenly be a shower gel. (…) Another employee, who is abroad, could not play for three weeks, the guitar because he had lost the feeling in the fingers.“

Voshaar advises not to investigate the case of Corona patient, therefore, only the lungs: “Finally, even patients Covid-19 have died without her lung was attacked or shortly after discharge from the hospital, when the lungs seemed to be already healed.”

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 30.369 (1203 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 40.473 (1548 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 5532 (113 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 2647 (113 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 720 (27 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 4558 (116 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 7796 (301 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 665 (16 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 9720 (376 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 31.110 (1052 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 5761 (138 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2477 (122 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 4479 (141 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1481 (35 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 2557 (88 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 2021 (65 Deaths)

Total: State 24.04., 19.59 PM, 152.366 (5454 Deaths)

Stand from the day before: the state 23.04., 19.33 PM, 150.012 (5261 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 106.800

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: of 0.9 (as of 23.04.)

Funny glitch at Live Unlock: Merkel shows that she is like millions of Germans

All further messages to the Coronavirus in the News Ticker:

  • So much you have to pay now in your state, if you do not wear mask
  • Team Drosten finds out: pre-existing condition could lead to Corona-immunity
  • Heroes in the crisis: #corona care – a action by FOCUS Online and Burda forward
  • Download the song "Victoriam" now down here!

WHO warns of immunity cards for Convalescent

14.14 PM: The world health organization (WHO) warns that the so-called immunity evidence for people to by-made Corona-infection. Some governments had suggested, Ex-Infected with Corona-antibodies in the blood is a kind of Covid-Pass issue, so you can, for example, earlier return to work. However, according to the WHO, the assumption is that antibodies in the blood immune against the Virus is not covered, sufficiently scientific: "There is currently no evidence that people recovering from Covid-19 and anti-body, in front of a second infection sind&quot protected;, told you.

There are various anti-body tests are available on the market. Their accuracy and reliability should be further examined, the WHO. High lack of Tests that could show if people were infected, no antibodies. In the case of people who were never infected with the new Virus and Sars-CoV-2, could be mistakenly antibodies detected. The sun is about the fact that Tests react possibly to one of the other corona viruses which are already known for a long time and, among other things, the common cold trigger.

The WHO support Tests that provide information about has produced what percentage of the population already has antibodies to the Virus Sars-CoV-2. "Most of these Tests are to determine not whether these people are against a second infection immune wären", the WHO writes. She warns people who have tested positive for the new Coronavirus, prior to the adoption, you were immune and could now ignore the measures that were imposed almost in all over the world, more contagious reduce payments.

"Such immunity, the risk would be certificates of the continued infectious erhöhen&quot payments therefore;, the WHO writes. dpa/Sebastian Gollnow/dpa/icon image A Doctor shows in a laboratory Test for the Coronavirus.

Care officer for the loosening of visiting prohibited in nursing homes

13.16 PM: The Care agent of the Federal government has a relaxation of the contact constraints in nursing homes required. "We know that we must prepare ourselves to have a longer period of time with the Coronavirus deal. We have to adapt also the Situation in nursing care facilities: flat-rate, restrictive visiting bans can sein&quot not a solution;, Andreas West coat house, told the newspaper "The Welt". Residents of nursing facilities need special protection, but they should not be completely isolated. "Some countries have not implemented the decision in the point and the facilities, no open spaces, not allowed to stay in my view so. I call on the countries concerned, therefore, urgently for repairs."

Diakonie-President Ulrich Lily said in the newspaper that there was, given the dramatic lack of protection clothing is currently no Alternative to visiting is forbidden, but &quot had to;this Situation as quickly as möglich" be overcome. Protection should "permanently never with insulation equal to werden&quot set;. The President of the social Association VdK, Verena Bentele, demanded that strict contact – and-visit ban slowly dissolve. The Weakest members of society are not likely to be socially isolated. "For example, the right to marriage and the family are slowly also violates fundamental rights, if the spouse is not allowed to visit."

"Reminiscent of the Reichsbürger": Thuringia’s interior Minister warns against conspiracy theorists in the Corona-crisis

11.55 PM: the Chairman of The conference of interior Ministers, Thuringia’s Minister of the interior, Georg Maier (SPD), has given the Corona-crisis driven by conspiracy theorists warned. “The proliferation of conspiracy theories in the Wake of the Corona-crisis fills me with concern,” said Maier, the editor-in network in Germany (RND, Saturday). “Sure, much of it is abstruse, and it may mock it.” However, the assassin of Hanau, Germany, have radicalized, among other things through conspiracy theories, stressed Maier, and added: “a Lot of things reminiscent of the rich citizens. We have laughed at initially, until their views have been disseminated and some eventually have to be armed. This is also why you have to keep this conspiracy theorist is now in the eye.“

Maier is no longer made for the dissemination of these theories, not least the fact that more and more people are informed about reputable media, but only with the help of social networks.

Previously, the protection of the Constitution, President Thomas Haldenwang had warned of the wrong information about the Corona-crisis from abroad. “For many countries, the Corona pandemic is an opportunity to position themselves globally advantageous. In the process, they spread misinformation, which is entered in the previous Narrative,“ said Haldenwang the RND.

In spite of a ban to protest as already the last weekend to this Saturday, the conspiracy theorist in Berlin against the contact constraints because of the Corona pandemic.

Coronavirus pandemic: Röttgen complains about the "Lockerungsdrängler" and "Exit Strategen"

11.31 am: The candidate for the CDU presidency, Norbert Röttgen, the consummation of the loosening of the restrictions in the Corona-crisis skeptical. "We went to the relaxations, the objective development of the pandemic rechtfertigt", Röttgen said the editorial network Germany (RND). "If the feeling spreads, it is clear, applicable to the now and everything will be back to normal soon, we will pay in two weeks, the Infection is very painful merken", the CDU warned-the outside expert. Advocates of an opening strategy called Röttgen as "Easing pushy and Exit Strategen". These are "on the wrong Weg". dpa/Michael Kappeler/dpa Norbert Röttgen: “easing pushy and Exit strategists” are “the wrong way”.

Especially in North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) is advancing the debate about more easing in times of Corona-pandemic. The CDU Deputy candidate for the party presidency. The "Welt" Laschet said to his course in the Corona-crisis: "I enjoy criticism too polemical, but also so much encouragement and encouragement as never before in my political life." Laschet campaigned for the unity of the country and turned against a "Outdoing competitions no matter what Art".

Another candidate for the party Chairman, Friedrich Merz, the attitude of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to investigate the relaxations had warned. "The need to carefully and prudently werden&quot made;, Merz the &quot said;Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung". The former Union leader does not expect a rapid return to normality. "Instead, it is likely to be a long Phase in which we 'coronagerecht' life and work müssen", the CDU-politician said.

Given the high sums, the policy for Corona-aid provides, expected Merz, distribution battles, "because it is not inexhaustible money da". "We need a new intergenerational contract, if we now spend so much of money and therefore the future of the young Generation with a heavy mortgage belasten", called Merz, wanted to run like Röttgen, Laschet was originally scheduled for this Saturday at a CDU special Congress of the party for the presidency.

Authorities don’t know: In Berlin, the first private Coronavirus emerges-test station

9.51 am: In a Parking lot in Berlin’s government district is a private Corona test site set up. The “daily mirror” reported. There should be a Drive-in test station. The Curious thing: The authorities of Berlin are surprised. Neither the district health management was aware of the test station. You know nothing Accurate, the report says. The managing Director of the value project Liegenschaftsverwaltungs GmbH, which oversees the Area, told at the request of the newspaper: “I can only say that you will find from Wednesday information on the website of the doctors house in the middle.”

A staff member of the doctors house in the middle of reports of a practice Test. For 60 euros you should be able to be there in the future for the Virus test. It was not a Treasury medical service. To the city Council’s Health, it is said in the report of the “daily mirror”, in the next week to check if it is permitted by law, that private practices can earn to a lesser extent money.

Corona-crisis in Germany: the gradual Kita-Opening not before 30. April

9.03 PM: A gradual Opening of the nursery is to the beginning of may nationwide not foreseeable. Nevertheless, the Ministers responsible for family Affairs of the countries develop a roadmap for it. "We work in these days in the countries and the Prime Ministers to 30. April a proposal for a decision of the Ministers responsible for family Affairs vorlegen", Hamburg family Senator Melanie Leonhard (SPD) told the German press Agency in Hamburg. The politician is in the plans, together with their counterparts from North Rhine-Westphalia in a leading role. "If we don’t want the parents out of desperation at some point to return the children by grandparents and other care, then we must consider this subject now intense."

On a concrete date for Opening was and Leonhard did not want to set still. "My desire is that it takes so long. Prevention is a priority at the Moment. Any future decision must take in the Welfare of the children level. It comes to bring the rights of children, the needs of parents and the protection of the health, also of educators, in line."

This must happen at a level, "the countries have, of course, still options, the individually develop." This is important, because the Situation is not only in the kindergartens of a city, but also in the municipalities is very different. All nurseries are equally valid rigid rule could not give it because of that. dpa/Julian Stratenschulte/dpa Empty artists ‘ corner in a Kindergarten.

In the case of agreements for a nationwide decision, the scientific debate plays Leonhard, according to a role. So children would not be transferred to the novel Coronavirus may be as strong as initially assumed.

At least up to 6. May have to have patience for children, parents and daycare employees. Prior to this date, there will be German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), there are no Changes to the existing rules.

More on Coronavirus

Ministers were “striking”: Bartsch, makes jab at Söder and Laschet for laughs

FOCUS Online/Wochit Ministers were “striking”: Bartsch, makes jab at Söder and Laschet for laughs

Further messages to the Coronavirus you will find on the next page.


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  • Posted on April 25, 2020