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17 Erotic Podcasts You Need to Download Right Now

At first, it might seem like podcasting is an odd venue for exploring relationships and sexuality in its many beautiful forms. But the enduring medium is home to all kinds of riveting erotic programs. (In fact, erotic podcasts are some of the best erotic media around.) Sure, sex is a predominantly physical (and in some cases, visual) thing. But it’s also an auditory thing. And the podcasting world is exploring that notion in exciting and innovative ways.

The erotic podcast landscape is about as vast and varied as sexuality itself. (Which is to say: It’s incredibly vast and incredibly varied with something for everyone.) Some erotic audio programs are so over-the-top sexy they may altogether replace the need to have sex (or at least, to watch porn). Other erotic podcasts focus on framing sex in frank, hilarious terms that help everyone feel less alone and more comfortable with how absurd it can be to be a sexual being in 2020. Others explore the more political sides of territory that can remind you that sexuality is political and the freedom to do what you want with your body as a consenting adult is a valuable one to protect.

Listen to one, or mix-and-match a few favorites (and maybe bring a toy along for the ride). With such abundant and diverse erotic podcast options at the ready, it’s TBH pretty hard to go wrong.

Happy listening!

A version of this story was originally published in February 2018.

And, for obvious reasons, feel free to check out our round-up of 100 vibrators we’d recommend to our friends as you set your erotic podcast playlist:

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  • Posted on July 16, 2020