How is the COVID-19 crisis impacting the most vulnerable among us?
Tens of millions of Americans fit that description—the poor, the homeless, immigrants, the detained and incarcerated, the precariously...
The NHS is starting to suspend home births amid the coronavirus pandemic.
With official guidance telling us to stay at home as much as possible in order to save lives, you might assume that giving birth...
If you’re not sick with the new coronavirus, should you wear a mask in public? Global health authorities say no. Amid a shortage of masks, the U.S. is sticking with that advice but Tuesday, President...
Mental health in times of Corona-crisis strengths
The uncertainties, Fears and social Isolation in the Wake of the Corona-crisis can affect the mental well-being greatly. The German society for psychiatry...
Washington University School of Medicine announced today that it began mailing letters to patients whose information may have been involved in a recent incident involving unauthorized access to an employee’s...
Most dentist offices are closed for routine procedures during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dentists are urging people to brush twice a day and floss once a day to take care of their teeth.
They say keeping...
Individuals taking a class of steroid hormones called glucocorticoids for conditions such as asthma, allergies and arthritis on a routine basis may be unable to mount a normal stress response and are...
Scientists have developed a new immunotherapy that eradicates solid tumours in mice without adverse side effects, according to a new study published today in eLife.
The newly developed chimeric antigen...
Type 2 diabetes affects the insulin found in the body and this creates a dire effect on one’s health as everybody needs insulin to live and be healthy. Insulin allows the glucose in the blood to...
A team of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, has taken another step toward the development of a computer able to decipher speech in the human mind. In their paper published in...
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