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If you’re not sick with the new coronavirus, should you wear a mask in public? Global health authorities say no. Amid a shortage of masks, the U.S. is sticking with that advice but Tuesday, President...

Life expectancy in the USA is no longer rising. This stagnation has long been largely attributed to increasing numbers of drug deaths due to the opioid crisis. But Mikko Myrskylä and colleagues have...

It’s not surprising that in the face of widespread coronavirus panic, there’s quite a bit of misinformation being spread. Nose around in dedicated coronavirus Facebook groups or explore the #coronavirus...

Minimalism, originally used to describe mid-century art, has grown to become much more than simple decluttering, or a design aesthetic. It’s now becoming one of the defining virtues of our age, with...

People who spent their childhood or early adulthood in the Stroke Belt are more likely to develop cognitive impairment later in life, even if they have moved away, according to preliminary research to...

If we cross a road with our smartphone in view, a car horn or engine noise will startle us. In everyday life we can easily combine information from different senses and shift our attention from one sensory...

I have just finished watching The Goop Lab and I feel … conflicted. I’m a doctor, so I’m supposed to hate The Goop Lab, but I didn’t, at least not all of it. Like Gwyneth Paltrow, I am deeply invested...

While youth vaping rates have increased in recent years, most middle and high school students don’t vape or smoke and very few vape or smoke daily, finds a study led by researchers at NYU School...

‘I have had to ask the US to save me’: British dual national stuck in coronavirus-hit Wuhan will be airlifted to safety by America today after UK government abandons him in ‘ghost town’...