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An alternating cycle of 50 days of strict lockdown followed by 30 days of easing could be an effective strategy for reducing the number of COVID-19-related deaths and admissions to intensive care units,...

Earlier this week, the BBC reported that one third of COVID-19 patients developed dangerous blood clots. While current treatments are mainly focusing on anti-viral and potentially anti-inflammatory treatments,...

COVID-19: the blood plasma of Recovering can be acute help Patients Many infections with the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 have been relatively harmless, or even without any symptoms. However, in the case...

Kawasaki disease was first diagnosed in the 1960s but it is thought the rare paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome can be triggered by a reaction to coronavirus. Various countries have reported...

New data suggests that asthma is associated with longer time on ventilators for hospitalized younger patients with COVID-19. Patients with COVID-19 between the ages of 20 and 59 years old who also had...

In an open-access article published ahead-of-print by the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), a team of Chinese radiologists discussed modifications to the CT examination process and strict disinfection...

Mona Eskandari, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at UC Riverside, is conducting research to combat lung damage due to overventilation. The lungs undergo extensive stretching with each...

Impact of interpersonal relationships on the activity Strong interpersonal relationships can help adults remain in the higher age to be physically active. A realization with far-reaching implications –...

Machine learning can be used to track surges in interest in health topics on popular online comment boards, like Reddit, according to a new study conducted during the COVID-19 outbreak by researchers...

A test that can detect the presence of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the blood of human patients is described in Nature Medicine. This assay, tested in 16 patients, may help to identify individuals...