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Psychotherapy process: Systemic therapy from now on Fund performance – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Systemic Therapy: Cost Of Acquisition

The statutory health insurance companies take care of the cost of a systemic therapy in adults, if this is for the treatment of a mental illness is necessary. The German society for Systemic therapy, counseling and family therapy e. V. (DGSF) and the Systemic society (SG) in a joint communication.

The data suggest that the remuneration arrangements for the new in the rule, supply of recorded psychotherapy procedures have been set a few days ago, health insurance companies and cash-medical Federal Union, the legal foundations of psychotherapy-Directive and psychotherapy-agreement – have already been a couple of months ago changed accordingly.

Not to the individual focused


In a communication of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) will be explained, the Systemic therapy is a psychotherapy method, the social relations within a family or group of special relevance for the development of a mental illness when you eat.

The therapy focuses not on the individual but on the interactions between members of the family and the wider social environment. Among other things, is trying to change the symptom of promotional relations or a more functional self-organization of the patient or of the patient to oppose.


Systemic therapy may, like other psycho-therapeutic procedure – as individual or group therapy or as a combination between individual and group therapy are offered. As a specific application form of systemic therapy, the so-called “multi-person setting will also be” possible.

This is relevant in relation to the patient, or the patient will be involved in the treatment. If necessary, you can setting the application of systemic therapy in more people with the application in a individual or group therapy are combined.

Highly Effective Psychotherapy Method

According to the figures, is affected in Germany every year, about one in four adults of a mental illness. For the nearly 18 million Affected and their relatives, a mental illness is usually associated with massive suffering. This can also result in the social relations of the person Concerned to significant limitations.

“Finally, this highly effective psychotherapy method is available to all adults Insured patients,” says Dr. Ulrike Borst, Chairman of the systemic society (SG). Whether the costs of systemic therapy are also used for the outpatient treatment of children and adolescents by health insurance, has yet to be decided.

Positive impact certified

Concerned in Germany have long to wait: Twelve years after the scientific recognition by the Scientific Advisory Board of psychotherapy (WBP) is Systemic therapy for adults as part of standard care. Thus, according to the DGSF after 33 years in 1987, was last approved by the behavioural therapy – a psychotherapy method in the health insurance context is used.

The approval for a psycho-therapeutic procedure was carried out for the first time on the Basis of the results of effectiveness studies: on behalf of the G-BA the Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) evaluated the Use of Systemic therapy. In seven so-called trouble areas of the system agreed it’s therapy to have a positive effect, including for the most commonly occurring impairments, such as anxiety disorders, Depression, and addiction disorders.

The professionals, according to a few Psychological and Medical psychotherapist are still inside and psychotherapists can settle Systemic therapy directly with statutory health insurance funds. In the meantime, appropriate and training is increasingly offered. The training regulations for Physicians are currently being adjusted accordingly, so that as soon as possible, comprehensively Insured, Systemic therapy can be offered.

Information about therapy courses can be obtained from the physicians ‘ associations, for example, on the Federal a single toll-free telephone number the date of service: 116117 make.

Approval of the therapy for children is still to be

Thus children and adolescents can be treated in the outpatient psychotherapeutic care, with Systemic therapy, is another assessment procedure by the G-BA is required. The admission of systemic therapy for children and young people as the performance of the statutory health insurance is so still.

A request for methods of assessment but has been in the G-BA on the 22. November 2019 announced, and will now be expected of the system of trade associations is a matter of urgency. GB-A must then meet within two years a decision on the admission of systemic child and adolescent psychotherapy.

“It can’t be,” says Dr. Filip Caby, the Chairman of the German society for Systemic therapy, counseling and family therapy (DGSF), “that the children and young people, something is withheld, what was done to the adult is already accessible”. (ad)

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  • Posted on July 3, 2020