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Phone runs hot In St. Wolfgang, the cancellation will now roll shaft

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 15 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 205.274 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Corona-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: retired couple faces up to 25,000 Euro fine due to Corona-violation (13.05 PM) In St. Wolfgang rolls to the Corona cases, the cancellation wave (12.43 p.m.) Corona-the outbreak at a grocery store in Berlin (11.51 am) Vietnam flies to 80,000 holidaymakers from (11.18 PM)

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TOP NEWS: "Phone runs heiß": In St. Wolfgang, the cancellation will now roll shaft

The number of coronavirus infections in tourism enterprises in St. Wolfgang in upper Austria has increased from nine to at least 53. As reported to the authorities, are now evaluated in all the 628 Tests from Saturday. The results of 419 further Tests Sunday were missing on Monday, initially. In the case of the Infected, it is according to the Minister of health of the state of upper Austria, Christine Haberl of one another, are 52 employees and a guest. Of the affected guest, come from the Austrian province of Burgenland, said tourism chief Hans Wieser.

As a starting point of the infection of young seasonal employees celebrate are also valid after curfew to 1 a.m. in the morning. "There are no allegations. As a young person, it is not a watch to Bett", so Wieser.

In total, according to his information, 15 companies are affected. The place has almost beds 200 accommodation establishments and 2700 guests. Two Bars had closed immediately after the first positive cases by itself, it said. In addition, the authorities ordered on Saturday evening for the local gastronomy is a curfew from 23: 00.

According to the words of Wieser’s operations and are, at the present time closures, and expected, the closure of the place. The nine new cases from the test series with 628 people represented just 1.4 percent of positive results. "This allows us to hoffen", so Wieser.

The reputation of the place entpuppe now as a curse, said the owner of one of the affected Hotels on Monday in the ORF-Radio. The cases have occurred in a less well-known holiday region, would have interested no one for it, she said. The cancellations became more frequent. "The phone runs heiß", you said the transmitter "OE24".

Guests departed from the affected Hotels, should now have to answer to the words of Wieser on an information slip some additional questions about your stay. This note does not but should have taken contrary to some reporting, or even when Leaving the site pre-shows. The mood in the place among the business people is more likely to behave. You vacillate between optimism and Doubt, whether the situation quickly relax again.

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