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NRW is a mask of duty in the classroom – High hit rate in the case of holiday tests

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 17 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 210.724 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Corona-News from Germany and around the world – the top storiesEvery 15 seconds dies from an Infected person (7.28 PM) Again, more than 700 new infections – the R-value slightly above 1 (21.45 clock) mask of duty in Amsterdam and Rotterdam: infections doubled (18.41 hours), and the Federal government lifts travel warning for Turkey, in part, to (17.06 PM) Ten cases in personnel: Mallorca-the Hotel is a must for the Rest of the season closing (16.55 PM)

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TOP NEWS: Every 15 seconds dies from an infected person

7.38 PM: in the World are now more than 700,000 people, an infection with the Coronavirus had died. A Reuters survey on the Basis of official Figures show that almost 5900 people die every day around the world. On average dies every 15 seconds a person.

So far, the highest number of daily Corona-dead in Australia

7.28 PM: In Australia, the highest daily number of Coronavirus deaths since the beginning of the pandemic in recorded been. Authorities in the state of Victoria on Wednesday, were counted within 24 hours, a further 15 Corona-the Dead. So far, been registered across Australia on any day, such a high number of new fatalities.

Melbourne, the capital of Victoria and second largest city in the country, had developed in the past few weeks, a focal point of the pandemic. Every day there are recorded hundreds of new cases of infection. On Wednesday alone, there were 725 new cases. dpa/Daniel Pockett/AAP/dpa man in front of the Skyline of Melbourne: The metropolis is due to a sharp rise in infections again in a Lockdown right now for six weeks.

The spread of the Virus could also be used by the for nearly a month in Melbourne in force strict output constraints are not slowed down. Particularly in old homes of the city the Virus spread rapidly.

The second day in a row decline in the Corona-new infections in the United States

7.27 PM: In the USA the number of new infections with the Coronavirus is the second day in a row, declined. Within 24 hours 46.321 new pierce had been recorded, informed on Monday evening, the Johns Hopkins University. At the same time, there have been 532 more deaths. US President, Donald Trump meet the Pay for an optimistic look into the future.

In the past week, the US had been far, five days in a row, more than 60,000 new cases registered. On Sunday, the number then decreased to 47.508, now she went back again easily. A total of more than 4.7 million of those infected were in the United States so far, with the novel Coronavirus recorded, more than 155,000 people died. These are by far the majority of victims. Jan Woitas/dpa-Central picture/dpa

NRW is planning to fine for "Masks-Muffel"

Wednesday, 5. August, 7.24 PM: North Rhine-Westphalia wants to infringements of the mask mandatory in buses, S-trains or trams in the future, immediately a fine of 150 euros cash. NRW-Minister of transport, Hendrik Wüst (CDU), said the "Rhine Post" (Wednesday): "Anyone who is caught without a mouth-nose protection, to get out at the next stop and pay. We want to be tightened so that immediately at the first violation of the mask of duty, a fine of 150 Euro is due." So far, fines will be levied only if the passengers refused, despite the request, the mask. Wüst said that they wanted to "no long discussion with masks-Muffeln".

More than 1000 New infections in Turkey

22.23 clock: In Turkey, the number of New infections for the first time in 3 weeks, again the mark of 1000 increased. The news Agency “Reuters”. It was a “serious increase”, said health Minister Fahrettin Koca. The Turkish government had to call 1000 before as emerging out of the need to think about stricter Corona-measures. In Turkey have been infected so far, nearly 235,000 people with the Virus, 5765 died.

Again, more than 700 new infections – the R-value of just over 1

21.45 PM: On Tuesday, reported the German länder, a total of 211.439 Infected with the Coronavirus. The 715 more than the previous day and so as the day before more than 700 Newly-Infected. 8309 of which are considered to be actively infected. Nine more people died from the Virus, bringing the number of deaths increased to 9130.

The reproduction number, in short the Rvalue, according to the RKI estimates with data 4.8., 0: 00, in Germany, at 1.02 (previous day: 1,09). This means that an Infected in the Mediterranean infects about one other people. The R-value in each case forms the infection from happening about a week and a half before.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 37.522 (1847 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 51.278 (2621 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 9398 (223 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3601 (173 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 1793 (56 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5460 (231 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 12.199 (521 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 889 (20 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 14.617 (654 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 49.727 (1744 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 7601 (239 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2860 (174 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 5556 (224 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 2038 (64 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3516 (157 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 3384 (182 Deaths)

Total (As Of 04-08.2020 20: 00 PM): 211.439 (9130 Deaths)

The Day Before (As 03.08.2020, 20.10): 210.724 (9121 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 194.000

The number of active cases is located around 8309

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,99

49 Infected in the Hamburg shipyard employees out of work

19.45: At the Hamburg shipyard Blohm Voss in a mass test, 49 Corona-infections been proven to be. Some of the test results were, the Bremen-based Lürssen shipyard, as the parent company, on Tuesday evening. In the case of Blohm Voss has some 500 employees of a well-defined range had been tested on Monday, on a voluntary Basis, after the end had been found the past week with six of her colleagues to the Virus.

"In the context of our duty of care we have decided on the Basis of the current Test results, the precautionary measure of the mass testing on the entire shipyard auszuweiten", informed Lürssen. Yet on Tuesday, it should be started.

Up to the time of the test result, employees are exempt if payment of the work. A week later, a second control test for all negative Tested was planned. In the case of all measures inconsistent with the Hamburg authorities in close cooperation, it said. Markus Scholz/dpa

TOP NEWS: mask of duty in Amsterdam and Rotterdam: Corona-infections doubled

18.41 PM: As the first Dutch city to Amsterdam and Rotterdam a mask of duty. On busy streets, squares and markets must be worn from Wednesday on, a face mask, with divided cities. On Tuesday were placed in the city centre of Amsterdam including the red light district yellow warning signs. Anyone who does not adhere to the pad, a fine of 95 euros threatens. In covered shopping centres and in shops with a lot of customers, everyone must wear from 13 years of a mask.

The cities are responding to the rapidly rising infection numbers. Especially in the city centre of Amsterdam is not observed because of the large number of tourists, the safety distance of 1.5 metres, often. Country masks are only in the public transport obligation.

In the past week, almost 2600 were in the Netherlands, New infections have been reported, which is almost twice as much as in the previous week. The national Institute for health and the environment, spoke of a "worrying development." The Corona Virus is spreading the information, especially in Amsterdam and Rotterdam quickly. A quarter of new infections are among is between 20 and 29 years old.

In the past week, six patients had died of Covid-19. A total of around 6000 fatalities were registered. The actual number is far higher, because not all of the Dead were also been tested. AFP

TOP NEWS: government lifts travel warning for Turkey, partially

17.06 PM: The Federal government has a travel warning for Turkey partially lifted. The Foreign office said on Tuesday in his travel notes on the Internet, that the formal warning against tourist travel in the provinces of Antalya, Izmir, Aydin and Mugla is omitted.

In all the four provinces, it is holiday regions on the West coast. So far, Turkey was one of the approximately 160 countries outside of the European Union and the Schengen area, for which the travel warning actually, to 31. August was considered. With the present step, the Federal government makes for the first time, an exception.

The Foreign office stressed that the travel warning "under the condition of strict observance of the Turkish government had a comprehensive tourism and Hygienekonzepts" ‘ve lifted. "This includes a mandatory PCR testing for all travellers in Turkey, within 48 hours prior to their return trip to Germany."

The cost of the equivalent of 15 Euro in a certified laboratory, or 30 euros at the airport would have to bear the travellers themselves. Testing positive for have to go in Turkey in quarantine or medical treatment.

Turkey had insisted for many weeks on this step. The German tourists are one of the largest groups of tourists in Turkey.

Corona-cases in personnel: Mallorca-the Hotel needs to close for the Rest of the season

16.55 PM: After a total of 10 Corona cases, the staff has to the Hotel “Club Cala Barca” on Mallorca close. The Spanish Portal &quot reported;Ultima Hora". Accordingly, had reported to a staff member about a week ago sick. As a result, the staff had been tested, resulting in a further nine cases were found.

The Hotel accepts no new reservations have already been booked, reservations have been rewritten to 40 miles to their Hotel. So far, none of the guests show symptoms. The last guests will leave the Hotel on Sunday, then an extensive disinfection of the premises is. In the current season, we will not be able to open the Hotel.

TOP NEWS: Second Corona wave rolls on in France

15.39 PM: In France, a growing fear of a second wave in the Corona of a pandemic. The scientific Council of experts that advises the government, referred to it as a "very wahrscheinlich", it could be in autumn or Winter, a second epidemic wave. State chief Emmanuel Macron called on Tuesday in the southern French city of Toulon to his countrymen, the applicable precautions to be observed.

France is one of the countries in Europe that are particularly affected. More than 30 000 people died. During a visit to the port city of Toulon Macron announced that professional helpers and helper, caring for old and disabled people at home, up to the end of the year bonuses. For 160 million euros will flow. Macron spends in the nearby residence of Fort de Bregancon his summer vacation.

According to the assessment of the scientific Council, the situation is under control, but unsure. The Virus is in the summer, more in circulation. "The future of the epidemic is largely in the hands of the Bürger", the experts stated. There must be, therefore, more education campaigns, says a new report to the government by the end of July, has now been made public. dpa/Stephanie Lecocq/EPA Pool/AP/dpa the President of France, Emmanuel Macron

Also Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a mask of duty on school grounds

15.27 PM: In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to students and teachers in the future, on the school grounds in a mouth-nose cover wear. The mask duty applicable from class five, said Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) on Tuesday in Schwerin. Be rooms with the exception of the class. The new school year began on Monday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

TOP NEWS: Poland-record level of new infections recorded

13.39 PM: Poland has so many new Corona cases registered since the beginning of the pandemic. On Tuesday, the authorities reported 680 new infections within 24 hours, such as the Ministry of health announced in Warsaw. The previous record value was recorded on Saturday, he stood at 658 new infections. In Poland have been infected, according to official figures so far, 48 of 149 people with Sars-CoV-2. 1738 people died, therefore, with the Virus.

The Virus seems to be also among parliamentarians in Warsaw spread. Three members of the Senate, the second chamber of the Parliament, have already been tested positive. Plenary postponed meetings. For Thursday’s planned inauguration and swearing-in of President Andrzej Duda for his second term in office, but should take place under the Corona-protection measures. Duda is secluded his oath before the national Assembly, consisting of representatives of both chambers of the Parliament. dpa/Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central image/dpabild checks in may at the border crossing city bridge between Frankfurt (Oder) to Polish Slubice.

Due to a number of Corona cases among merchants, the German customers of the popular Central market will be closed from Tuesday in the Western Polish border town of Slubice, close to Frankfurt/Oder closed. All traders and stall owners are to be tested, informed the city on Monday. In the coming days, the traders of the two markets to make the city a Corona Test. Only after a negative test result, the market should be allowed to return to the dealer again to their work, said the head of the local health office.

After Trauerfeierin Meck-Pomm: More than 100 people on Corona tested

12.35 PM: After a funeral service in Parchim on Tuesday as a precautionary measure, more than 100 participants and contact persons on the novel Coronavirus have been tested. A demonstrably infected Person may have participated in the event last weekend, said a spokesman for the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim. On participation, there were different statements, therefore, is a mobile smear team had as a precaution been to Parchim sent. It is, therefore, possible paths of Infection at an early stage to prevent. The stationary test center there was closed due to declining numbers of cases recently. Image: Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central picture/dpa/picture Icon , A Swab is in an outpatient Corona Test setup held.

NRW-Minister-to-mask duty: expulsion from School for gross violations

11.01 PM: If students in NRW permanently against the new mask duty violated, you may also be expelled from school will be. The North Rhine-Westphalia schools Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) indicated in a WDR2 Interview. Gebauer told the station: "If students consistently do not – neither in the classroom nor on the other surfaces – stick to it, can also go hand-in-hand with a referral from the school or a temporary."

On Monday Gebauer had a far-reaching mask duty first of all to 31. August announced. At all secondary and vocational schools you should apply to both in the building as well as in the classroom. Thus, the state gives in this area is now the most stringent rules.

Gebauer noted that the mask "pedagogically meaningful Gründen" also in the meantime removed could be. Also for medical reasons. So you be aware that a mouth-nose protection in hot weather is a particular impairment. Gebauer defended the mask duty yet: The current infection happened in NRW do you alternative.

TOP NEWS: in the Meantime 166 Corona-Infected with canned food producers in Palazzo mamming

10.08 am: As the "Passauer Neue Presse" reported, increased the number of Corona-Infected in a canning factory in Palazzo mamming (in the district of Dingolfing) to 166. Almost one-third of the company’s employees was tested positive for Sars-Cov-2. The operation had initially been shut down, seasonal, and permanent employees are currently in quarantine, said in the report.

The sheet quoted district administrator Werner Bumeder with the words: "The high number of new infections is of course a major setback." After a first series of investigation 43 Corona had been registered at the weekend-infections in the operation. Bumeder says also: "The fast-moving and high infection figures suggest that the Corona-Virus was there erupted a long time ago and now so many employees are infected."

Nevertheless, we remain of the view that it will happen when the current Infection "closed Einheit" was the district administrator. This would also confirm the results of the daily citizen tests.

Medical Association: "We are already in a second, flat Anstiegswelle"

09.52 PM: A feared second Corona-wave Germany according to the assessment of the doctors ‘ Association Marburger Bund have already recorded. "We are already in a second, flat Anstiegswelle", the Chairman Susanne Johna the &quot said;Augsburg Allgemeinen" (Tuesday’s edition). At the same time, you are assured that the hospitals be prepared.

Unlike the first wave, the hospital should have beds this time, however, not flat, but on-demand be kept free, said Johna. "Because the pandemic builds Happen slowly, we must for Covid-19-patient treatment promoted opportunities available." There must therefore be a temporal staggering of the so-called provision of beds.

In view of the increasing number of new infections, the doctors ‘ representative expressed the fear. "that we have the successes that we have achieved so far, in Germany, in a combination of extrusion and normality longing again verspielen". As long as there is no medicines for the treatment of Covid-19 give, had to be curbed the spread of the Virus. "This is only possible via the AHA-formula – distance, Hygiene, daily mask and local quarantine."

Head of the teachers ‘ Union summons: rule the school as before, the Corona is "Illusion"

08.30 PM: "It is not a comprehensive, full-fledged mainstream school ceiling type operation, such as in front of Corona. This Illusion goes to the account of the policy, which is something than can be realized, which könnte&quot even with consistently low infection happen not to be implemented;: The Udo Beckmann, the head of the Association of education (VBE) said the "Welt" in a recent Interview. Beckmann, that there had been already before the Corona is a shortages of Teachers in German schools. The pandemic had further exacerbated the Situation, as around five to 15 per cent of the teachers belonged to the risk group and, therefore, were missing.

Unclear &quot, according to the expert also; as a normalized operation of the school can operate, taking into account the real conditions and to soll&quot be taught, the extent to which, for example, with a thinning of the curriculum or a limited range of childcare services;. The Expansion of the digitisation of schools for Beckmann, as yet, not apparent. In addition, a mask is mandatory in the classroom is not rich according to the head of the VBE, in order to prevent contagion in the classroom.

Rather, you need ventilation concepts, filter systems and had to think about the protection by Plexiglas disks. Beckmann calls: "All the mind games of politics must be based on the reality and the available resources. There is a clear Framework with sufficient action needs a game room for the school management on the spot."

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 37.463 (1847 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 51.217 (2621 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 9366 (223 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3593 (173 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 1789 (56 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5443 (231 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 12.142 (520 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 880 (20 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 14.555 (653 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 49.435 (1738 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 7542 (239 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2856 (174 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 5543 (224 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 2036 (64 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3494 (156 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 3370 (182 Deaths)

Total (As Of 03.08.2020, 20.10): 210.724 (9121 Deaths)

The Day Before (As 02.08.2020, 21.37 PM): 209.966 (9121 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 193.500

The number of active cases is at around 8100

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 1,09 (as 03.08.20)

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  • Posted on August 5, 2020