Every Time Claire Fraser Was a Historical Health Icon on Outlander
If Claire Fraser could bring Outlander into 2020 – you can bet your Sassenach that Jamie, Claire, Brianna, Roger, Jemmy, Marsali, Fergus and all the Fraser’s Ridge residents would be wearing masks — probably with a shot of self-dispensing penicillin to boot. And the #WearADamnMask hashtag would be tattooed on Jamie’s butt. (What?! Claire has injected his bum for the sake of medicine and science, she’d do it again — and we see his bum enough that it’s a smart place for a PSA.) Claire would also figure out a way to wear a mask, whilst she throws back a whisky. Yes, whilst! Because “she’s a savage, classy, bougie, ratchet.” (Sing that, you know you want to).
Caitríona Balfe has played this doctor role to perfection for so long that she sometimes thinks, by her own admission, that she can perform quick and easy kidney surgery or an appendectomy. So if you see Balfe headed your way: Run.
From the moment we first meet Claire, a WW2 war nurse, she’s in med mode, donning a bloody apron while drinking a bottle of champagne to celebrate the end of WWII. And then she falls into a rock and accidentally time travels back 200 years to the middle of another war, where she is almost attacked by Blackjack Randall (an ancestor/doppleganger of her not-yet-born husband). Not the best luck. But there she meets a bunch of Highlanders and one with a dislocated shoulder. Hello, James Fraser.
As a WW2 nurse to 1700s healer to 1960s surgeon who goes back to the 1700s, her challenge is to use 20th century medicine with 18th century items. Spoiler alert: herbs and bitter cascara. No matter what century she’s in, Claire will try to save you, and it will be extremely painful, since whisky was the preferred anesthetic in the 18th century. Claire can do it all. The only thing she can’t do it seems is cook. (Insert Jamie eating a PB&J sandwich with a fork and knife here). But if Claire puts on her headband, watch out. She did not come here to play.
And who has she saved the most? Jamie Fraser. She’s been his on call doctor since the second he met her. And what else makes Claire a health icon? Sex. Sex is good for your health! It is! And Jamie and Claire have a lot of it. She’s taught Jamie a lot about science and sex and made science sexy. Like his very own personal sex scientist. She once showed Jamie his own sperm under a microscope. Ahh, she’s not a regular wife, she’s a superhot, nerdy wife. So here we go, here are all of Claire Fraser’s best medical moments in 200 years.
The original version of this article was published July 29, 2020.
Obviously, there are spoilers for Starz Outlander ahead. If You don’t want to be spoiled, check out the books by Diana Gabaldon or get started on the series:
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