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Diabetes emotional symptoms: The 5 signs of diabetes distress and burnout

This Morning: Type 2 diabetes can be 'devastating' says expert

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You might have your physical diabetes symptoms under control, but is the condition causing fluctuations in your emotions? Diabetes distress is what some people feel when they’re overwhelmed by the relentlessness of diabetes and this can lead to diabetes burnout. Express.co.uk reveals the five signs of diabetes distress and burnout, according to Diabetes UK.

Being diagnosed with diabetes is a total shock for most people and may cause feelings of shock, numbness, low mood and overwhelm in the weeks and months following the news.

Exactly how a diabetes diagnosis impacts you depends on your circumstances and character – everyone responds to this kind of news differently.

You might feel all of these emotions at once or you might feel fine one day and totally burdened by your condition the next.

Diabetes UK said: “Feeling down about your diabetes is understandable and it’s a natural reaction for anyone that’s been diagnosed with a long-term health condition.

“Knowing some of the signs can help you start to manage these feelings.”

Lots of people feel upset, angry, overwhelmed or other negative feelings towards diabetes diagnoses – this is called diabetes distress.

It’s normal to feel like this sometimes, but it’s important you get help.

According to Diabetes UK, if you don’t get support to help you cope with diabetes distress you’re more likely to reach burnout and that can be really serious.

Diabetes distress is when a person feels frustrated, defeated or overwhelmed by diabetes, but it doesn’t mean that you have these feelings about other parts of your life.

It’s not the same as depression, but diabetes distress can turn into depression if you have these feelings for a while and they aren’t going away.

Diabetes distress is really common and doctors consider it a completely natural reaction to looking after diabetes all day, every day.

It doesn’t matter what type of diabetes you have – anyone can feel diabetes distress and a lot of people feel it more than once, Diabetes UK’s site says.

The feelings are slightly more common for people who take insulin and the most common reason for feeling diabetes distress is worrying about getting complications in the future or feeling anxious if managing your diabetes goes off track.

The five signs of diabetes distress and burnout

  • feeling angry about diabetes and frustrated about the demands of managing it
  • worrying about not taking enough care of your diabetes but not feeling motivated to change
  • avoiding going to appointments or checking your blood sugars
  • making unhealthy food choices regularly
  • feeling alone and isolated

When diabetes distress progresses and becomes burnout, people often stop taking care of themselves and their diabetes.

For some people, this means skipping insulin doses or not taking your tablets. Some describe it as hitting a wall or giving up, Diabetes UK suggests.

That’s why it’s so important you are able to spot the signs of diabetes distress and burnout, so you can get the right kind of help when you need it most and get back on track.

The charity recommends being extra kind to yourself if you reach this point.

The experts advised:

  • Try to let go of really high expectations on things like blood test results and set smaller, more realistic goals.
  • Stop using phrases like ‘good’ or ‘bad’ blood sugar – as this can constantly feel like you’ve done something wrong. Talk about high or low blood sugar instead.
  • Take time for yourself, like booking a massage or setting an evening aside for a long bath can help you relax.
  • Take a proper break for more than a few hours or a day. Although you can’t completely ignore your diabetes, taking a break means you spend a bit less time and energy on it (This could mean relaxing your targets a bit or reducing how many times you check your blood each day- but you need to talk to your healthcare team about this first.)
  • Talk to your friends and family about how you feel and how they can support you – you might feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Source: Read Full Article

  • Posted on February 11, 2022