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Berlin: a violation of minimum distance may not be with fine punished

The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: More than 5 million people globally have become infected with the novel pathogen, Sars-CoV-2 – 178.864 of them so far in Germany.

In Berlin, violations of the minimum allowed to stand and the reduction of contacts to a Minimum will no longer be punished with fines. The Berlin constitutional court suspended the relevant penalty provisions of the Senate with a Monday decision published provisionally in force. The court granted an application for a temporary injunction in part.

It may be imposed, consequently, specifically, a fine more, if someone violates the minimum distance of one and a half metres, as well as against the bid, "to reduzieren&quot physical social contact to an absolute necessary Minimum;. In addition, the emergency appeal was rejected. To the other content of the application and the grounds nothing is initially known. dpa/Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central image/dpabild Michael Müller (SPD), Berlin’s governing mayor, wearing a Mouth guard.

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FOCUS Online/Wochit Densely Packed crowd on the Corona-Party: hundreds of Americans ignore requirements  

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  • Posted on May 26, 2020