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19 Thanksgiving Traditions Followed by Our Favorite Celebrity Families

Getting together, giving back, and gorging on all the turkey, corn, and sweet potato pie: These are a few of the things many people fill Thanksgiving Day with, and celebrity families are no exception.

Thanksgiving is a meaningful holiday full of reflection, grace, gratitude, and love. As much as the holiday has become a celebration of family, friends, food, and all there is to be grateful for, it’s important to recognize the “Thanksgiving myth” — “that friendly Indians, unidentified by tribe, welcome the Pilgrims to America, teach them how to live in this new place, sit down to dinner with them and then disappear… [handing] off America to white people so they can create a great nation dedicated to liberty, opportunity and Christianity for the rest of the world to profit,” according to historian and author David Silverman — and acknowledge the violence and trauma faced by North America’s Indigenous Peoples as a grave consequence of European settlers usurping their land.

In fact, many Indigenous Peoples have observed the National Day of Mourning on the day of Thanksgiving since 1970 as a way to grieve the genocide and colonialism of their ancestors, and out of respect and a desire to learn, many celebrities have begun doing the same.

From Angelina Jolie traveling out of the country with her kids and Alicia Silverstone advocating for a change in tradition to match the change in the times, to Katie Holmes admirably participating in an annual Turkey Trot run with her family and Gloria and Emilio Estefan giving back to their local community, here’s how some of Hollywood’s most famous observe Thanksgiving.

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  • Posted on November 26, 2022