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Festival season is upon us – and while music lovers may be left soggy from the occasional downpour of rain, they are less likely to get their hands wet from properly washing them. A poll of 1,500 adults,...

Reviewers’ Notes It's not exactly what he's best known for, but Alexander Hamilton helped develop the first national, compulsory health insurance policy in the world: a 1798...

Shifting from a high-pressure mindset to a curious one improves people’s memory. New research from Duke found that people who imagined being a thief scouting a virtual art museum in preparation...

Researchers from the American Board of Family Medicine and the University of Minnesota Medical School investigated whether participation in medical school repayment programs impacted the care family physicians...

Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly adore her more after the record-shattering Barbie premiere, Margot Robbie finds another way to put a tender ache in our chests, a lump in our throats, and...

Scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered what they believe to be the central mechanism behind cognitive decline associated with normal aging. “The mechanism...

Conversations on social media about female genital mutilation (FGM) have not changed dramatically over the five years to 2020, according to an analysis of English Twitter data, though there was a shift...

It’s always a wonderful time to consider adopting a new furry family member! This summer, we’re working with our friends at ARM & HAMMER™ Cat Litter to help these amazing kitties find loving...

Certain foods or dietary patterns are linked with better control of your asthma. Others may make it worse. Depending on what you’ve eaten, you can see the effects in hours. Food can affect how well...