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Is it safe to go to the gym during the coronavirus pandemic? It depends on where you live and the precautions you and the gym take. If cases of COVID-19 are poorly controlled where you live, experts say...

Risk for type 2 Diabetes, reduce fruit and vegetables Regular consumption of sufficient fruit and vegetables seems to protect against the development of type 2 Diabetes. Even small amounts of fruit and...

Rate of very premature births falls by as much as 90% during coronavirus lockdowns in some countries – as baffled scientists suggest reduced stress and declining air pollution could be the cause Doctors...

No coffee when you get up and pudding for breakfast! How to transform your life in 24 hours by discovering the perfect time for everything Does your morning routine involve reaching for the snooze button...

Legumes are rich in essential B vitamins B-vitamins are one of the most important nutrients that the body needs. Since they are water soluble, they can not be stored in the body. It is even more important...

Dr. Michelle Barron, medical director of infection prevention and control at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital, received an unusual call last month from the microbiology lab: confirmation of the...

The COVID-19 crisis has had a grave impact on jobs, wellbeing, mental health and the economy worldwide. But it has also prompted public expressions of hope—people have come together to sing on balconies...

A new study looks at differences between the brains of Japanese classical musicians, Western classical musicians, and nonmusicians. Researchers investigated specific kinds of neural behavior in participants...

Working from home amid coronavirus outbreak: How parents can balance work and family With many parents having to work from home in the midst of a virus outbreak, it becomes increasingly difficult to give...

Women of color are at a higher risk of experiencing postpartum depression than white women and less likely to receive the care they need. In this Special Feature, health disparities expert Prof. Tiffany...