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Neurological diseases of the brain such as dementia, autism and schizophrenia are now a growing social problem. Nevertheless, studies on their definitive cause are still insufficient. Recently, a POSTECH...

A top European Union official said Wednesday that the first citizens in the 27 nation bloc could be vaccinated against the coronavirus by Christmas, but she warned that member countries must urgently...

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant illness and death while treatment options remain limited. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists have discovered a potential strategy...

One of the many dangers of COVID-19 is the disease’s mysterious ability to promote blood clots throughout the body. Now, a new study may explain why — the disease appears to spur the production...

As COVID-19 deaths in the nation top 225,000, President Trump continues to downplay the severity of the pandemic, belittle government infectious disease experts such as Anthony Fauci, and display a cavalier...

N-acetylglucosamine, a simple sugar found in human breast milk and sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement in the United States, promotes myelin repair in mouse models and correlates with myelination...

How do epedemics come to a stop? Scientists consider genetic mutation of the pathogens as a possible cause. The plague killed about a quarter of the European population in the 14th century. How did it...

Every year around this time, public health officials start warning about the approach of flu season. But this year is a little bit different thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, experts are warning about...

(HealthDay)—Younger children and those with special needs should attend school in person whenever possible, because online learning is mostly ineffective for these children, according to a committee...

Skin doctors suddenly are looking at a lot of toes—whether by emailed picture or video visit—as concern grows that for some people, a sign of COVID-19 may pop up in an unusual spot. Boston dermatologist...