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Driving through a tunnel is a challenging and risky task. Drivers need to lower their speed and adapt to poor light, while the enclosed space may make them anxious. Preventing accidents is a public health...

Tune in to watch James Martin cook a simple paella, delicious lamb and Arbroath smokies (i.e. smoked haddock). Despite this, the 48-year-old has admitted his “fave” ingredient isn’t any...

The principles of a music education approach for children show promise when used as the basis for music therapy with adult cancer patients. That is the conclusion of a feasibility study co-written by...

New parents have long believed that playing Mozart and Beethoven while their babies slept would make for a smarter adult. While the jury is still out on whether or not all of those children grew up to...

In these challenging times of fear and isolation it is difficult to comprehend the sheer scale of the mental health crisis we face.  People are detached from friends, family, work and the world outside...