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Research suggests that a first infection with SARS-CoV-2 provides only 47% protection against a second infection for those aged 65 years and over, compared with 80% protection across all age groups. These...

Currently, in various areas of the world, 13 COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for use. In this feature, we look at the types and their reported side effects. As the global effort to produce vaccines...

Face masks reduce the spread of the new coronavirus and may also lessen the severity of COVID-19. The present study finds that masks increase the humidity of the air that a person breathes. The researchers...

A new intergovernmental report has argued that the frequency and severity of pandemics will increase unless authorities worldwide put policies in place to lower the risk. The new report has argued that...

Between March and July 2020, a particular mutation became almost ubiquitous in SARS-CoV-2 infections in Houston, TX. This strongly suggests that it makes the virus more infectious. However, there is no...

New research suggests that catalase, a naturally occurring enzyme in humans, plants, and animals, can suppress the replication of the new coronavirus in rhesus monkeys. The results also indicate that this...

A study finds that belief in conspiracy theories and its effect upon individual behaviors rose between March and July 2020. While many other countries have managed to control the spread of COVID-19, the...

Compared with hospitalized patients in China, a new study finds higher rates of abnormal liver tests among patients receiving treatment in hospitals in the United States. Higher levels of liver enzymes...

An antibody that scientists first identified in a blood sample from a person who recovered from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) strongly inhibits the virus that causes COVID-19. The scientists...

Virologists from Germany have shown that combining samples and only testing individual samples if there is a positive result for the group could massively increase the capacity for coronavirus testing. Testing...