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Feelings of anxiety and dread over climate change are not uncommon and as global warming continues to worsen, the toll that it’s taking on our mind is likely getting worse too. From the ongoing pandemic...

Is there anything more blissful than a long and lazy Sunday nap, preferably enjoyed after a big brunch that included a mimosa or two? Except, you’ll likely be hit with a severe case of napper’s...

We all love Clorox wipes, but since the pandemic began back in March, they’ve become as difficult to spot on supermarket shelves as unicorns in a field of rainbows. Unfortunately, things will stay...

We’re now all too familiar with the common symptoms of COVID-19: a fever, dry cough, and fatigue. Some people also experience aches and pains, a sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. Sufferers...

Turn on the TV news, or look at a news website, and you’ll see charts, graphics, and dashboards that supposedly indicate the latest with COVID-19—statistics revealing the number of tests, cases,...

How do you make a mask as effective as the N95 respirators used by healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients? Northeastern researchers sought solutions from materials that are available to the public. https://youtube.com/watch?v=h2t3BLEqyxM%3Fcolor%3Dwhite Source:...

Many of us (unfortunately) have experienced and fought to cure a hell of a hangover before (lots of water, rest and maybe a bit of hair of the dog!). After a long night of drinking, we wake up feeling...

Figurative language, by which the speaker intends to communicate something other than what is actually said by the words used, is commonplace in human communication. Some claim that metaphorical expressions...

If you’ve done intermittent fasting and think it’s time to turbo-charge your weight loss, you might consider this to be the right time to try out the Warrior Diet. The plan takes intermittent...

Say goodbye to the office water cooler — U.S. offices that reopen this year will likely undergo substantial changes to prevent the spread of COVID-19, according to new guidelines released by the Centers...