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High blood pressure can seem lower down on your list of health priorities because it does not produce any symptoms. It is therefore tempting to downplay its significance. Such complacency could be life-threatening,...

Such a dramatic hike in blood pressure can lead to a deadly stroke. Make sure you’re aware of all seven warning signs – listed here. The Mayo Clinic stated that a life-threatening episode could...

Lemongrass, also called citronella, is a tall plant that can be used as a tea. Steeped in hot water, it leaves a lemony aroma and a refreshing citrus flavour in the mouth. Here’s how it could boost...

More frequent internet use has been linked to increases in wellbeing in older adults, particularly those who are wealthy and more educated, finds a new UCL study. Published today in the Journal of Medical...

Visceral fat can be extremely harmful in large quantities, and it raises your chances of developing a number of conditions. But, doing resistance exercises may help to get rid of your belly fat. Visceral...

Flicking through death records, alongside survey information, data floated to the surface regarding one potential way to unlock the promise of longevity. Here’s what the research team discovered. Based...

Consultant cardiologist Dr Iqbal Malik – who specialises in heart diseases – has launched a new, remote heart monitor that enables patients to access life-saving healthcare and testing. Dr...

Monty Don’s green fingers have forged him a hugely successful career on UK television. The gardener succeeded Alan Titchmarsh on BBC Two’s Gardeners’ World in 2003. The self-taught horticulturist...

Back pain is a common condition that affects most people at some point in their lifetime, according to the NHS. But you could lower your risk of developing backache by simply eating more bananas, it’s...

Dementia is the name given to a group of symptoms linked to an ongoing decline in brain function. You could be at risk of the neurodegenerative condition if you find small changes to your usual demeanour. There...