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(HealthDay)—Black and Hispanic or Latinx participants are underrepresented in clinical trials for ophthalmology drugs, according to a study published online April 22 in JAMA Ophthalmology. Sean T. Berkowitz,...

While Black, Hispanic, Latino, Indigenous, Asian and Pacific Islander people are more likely to die of COVID-19 than white people nationwide, a recent study from Oregon State University found the risk...

Deprivation among society at large is ‘driving’ COVID-19 disparities among minority ethnic groups—predominantly South Asian and Black African or Caribbean populations—and could be considered...

Experts call for policy reform to improve ethnic equity of socioeconomic opportunity, service provision, and health outcomes. They also call for long-term studies to investigate how structural and institutional...

While rates of dementia for the U.S. population have been relatively stable or in decline since 2000, rates for Black Americans remain disproportionately high, according to a new study published in JAMA...

The history of structural racism in the U.S. must be acknowledged as a driver of health problems and shortened lives for Black people and other racial and ethnic groups, says an American Heart Association...

The recovery phase following cardiac arrest continues long after hospitalization and is now included as a key link in the Chain of Survival, a widely adopted series of critical actions that work to maximize...

While data and news reports show that Black and Hispanic communities are disproportionately affected by the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the role that neighborhood income plays in COVID-19...

A University of California, Riverside, study that sought to determine barriers to health care among Spanish-speaking Latino farmworkers in rural communities has devised an innovative health care service...

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Medicaid Expansion appears to have eased health care inequities among heart failure patients; however, racial and ethnic disparities in heart failure care still exist, according...