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Livongo vet Dr. Kimon Angelides is now looking to the women’s health space with her new company, FemTec Health, which is focused on using data for personalized care across a patient’s life cycle. The...

From inside the womb and as soon as they enter the world, babies absorb information from their environment and the adults around them, quickly learning after birth how to start communicating through cries,...

Men and women are happiest with their bodies after reaching the age of 60, a study has found. Satisfaction with size, shape and appearance gradually increases as people age, with our latter years characterised...

World-leading AI technology developed by the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine and their colleagues offers a glimpse of the future of precision medicine, and unprecedented predictive power to clinicians...

Emergency Medical Services struggle to stay afloat amid pandemic In addition to the mental and physical toll the virus is taking on these men and women, prices of certain PPE materials has more than...

Your house number could be the key to the safe relaxation of COVID-19-related restrictions if government follow a new exit strategy proposal published today in the British Medical Journal. Co-authored...