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The number of people with type 2 diabetes is expected to exceed the five million mark by 2030. The number of people that officially have diabetes is estimated to be one million off the actual figure. Both...

Peter Jones is an entrepreneur, businessman, and reality television personality with interests in mobile phones, television, media, leisure, retail, and property. Peter is the last remaining original...

Progressive hair loss has a cosmetic and social impact. Hair undergoes three stages of hair cycle: the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. Through cyclical loss and...

Rhod Gilbert, 51, was sitting on the toilet in his London home when his left arm started shaking involuntarily. He described it as if he was “waving at someone”. He said the movement went on...

High cholesterol is the name given to having too much of a fatty substance in your blood. This substance, known as cholesterol, can lead to blockages in your blood vessels. Blocked blood vessels raises...

Getting older brings many benefits, such as wisdom and cultivating meaningful relationships. These advantages are usually crowded out by fears of mental and physical decline. The harmful effects of ageing...

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that causes the brain to become progressively more damaged over time, said the NHS. You could lower your risk of the neurodegenerative condition’s symptoms...

COVID-19 – the disease that has spawned from SARS-CoV-2, a new strain of coronavirus – has highlighted the world’s complacency about pandemics. SARS coronavirus, its predecessor that...

High blood pressure increases a person’s risk of life-threatening conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes, which is why controlling your reading is very important. Eating a healthy diet is...

Marti Pellow, 55, is best known for being the lead singer of Scottish band Wet Wet Wet. The singer, turned actor, has previously revealed that he was addicted to heroin before the band split up for the...