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Who cannot have the Covid vaccine? The three sets of people that aren’t on the list

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Covid vaccines landed in the UK this week, with a 90-year-old woman becoming the first person to receive the jab. But there will be an unfortunate few that have to wait a little longer for the coronavirus vaccine.

Covid is a deadly infection that’s killed more than 70,000 people in the UK.

The country has been plunged into a rigorous tier system in a bid to stop the spread of the infection.

But the number of cases is still rising in some parts of the country, with the public desperate for a Covid vaccine.

Thankfully, the vaccine arrived in the UK on Tuesday December 8 for the very first time, but some people will have to wait a little longer to be immunised.

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Who cannot have the Covid vaccine?

There are three sets of people that aren’t advised to have the vaccine just yet.

Scientists are waiting for more evidence to suggest that the vaccine is safe for these people.

For the wider public, the Pfizer/BioNTech jab is very safe, and is the most effective way to avoid becoming infected with Covid-19.

Pregnant women, young children, and people with allergies to some of the ingredients, should all avoid having the vaccine for now.

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The UK’s medicine regulator, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said there may still be some risks for pregnant women getting the vaccine.

It preferred a “precautionary” strategy, advising pregnant women to avoid getting vaccinated straight away.

“There are no data as yet on the safety of Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy, either from human or animal studies,” said the JCVI.

“Given the lack of evidence, JCVI favours a precautionary approach, and does not currently advise Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy.

“Women should be advised not to come forward for vaccination if they may be pregnant or are planning a pregnancy within three months of the first dose.”

The JCVI also advised young children against getting the vaccine so early.

Children under 16 years old should hang tight on getting vaccinated.

The only exception is for those that require care at their home, or those with severe euro-disabilities.

“The committee advises that only those children at very high risk of exposure and serious outcomes, such as older children with severe neuro-disabilities that require residential care, should be offered vaccination,” it added.

Finally, any members of the public that have an allergy to any of the ingredients in the vaccine should avoid getting vaccinated.

An allergic reaction to the vaccine is very rare, but it’s still not worth taking the risk.

Hopefully it won’t be long before another vaccine becomes available which has a different set of ingredients.

Source: Read Full Article

  • Posted on December 8, 2020