
Myths that aren’t true about curing coronavirus

According to the World Health Organization, there are currently no drugs that treat or prevent coronavirus. Still, people believe certain foods and habits may cure the illness that has basically shut down the world for the past several weeks. From eating tons of garlic, to dousing yourself in bleach, for some reason, be it old wives’ tales or sheer stupidity, myths persist about ways to cure yourself from COVID-19, or keep it from affecting you. These falsehoods are so rampant, the WHO put out a myth buster infographic to dispel many incorrect, yet apparently common beliefs. 

So, instead of saturating your next meal in garlic (if you can find any), or bathing in household cleaner (please, please don’t do this!), you’ll have to wait, along with the rest of the planet, for a real cure, which, according to Fox News, a California-based biopharmaceutical company claims they are thisclose to developing. Meanwhile, this so-called neutralizing antibody treatment isn’t the first whisper of a potential cure; vaccines are said to be in development as we speak as well. We all await these solutions with bated breath; as they come to fruition, do not attempt any of the following cure-nothings.

Eating pepper in soup

No, this is not a joke. For some reason, some folks have been under the impression that consuming hot peppers in soup will knock the coronavirus right out of your system. As the WHO points out, eating a balanced diet and remaining as healthy as possible is important during this unprecedented time (and always for that matter); whether or not you choose to put peppers in your soup, or eat soup at all.

Exposing yourself to hot temperatures

Although it’s a commonly-held belief that diseases don’t spread as easily in hot, humid climates (according to ABC 30, experts have not reached a consensus on whether this is true for COVID-19), sitting in the sun will not protect you from getting sick. Likewise, taking hot baths will not keep coronavirus germs at bay. Ditto putting your hands under a hot hand dryer. And sweating it out in a sauna.

Holding your breath for 10 seconds

If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds and not cough or feel discomfort, good for you! This does not mean you are free of the virus, as enough people apparently believed for the WHO to address the myth in their infographic. The only way to ensure you do not have COVID-19 is to get tested. 

Drinking alcohol or taking antibiotics

A glass of wine is enjoyable, and possibly helps with stress, but your favorite cocktail has no potency in fighting off a potentially deadly virus. Sorry to burst that bubble for anyone who erroneously believed (or hoped) alcohol consumption equaled coronavirus invincibility. Furthermore, COVID-19 is a virus, and thus, not treatable with antibiotics. In general, it is never a good idea to self-medicate for any illness, especially not coronavirus, which doctors and scientists are still learning about every day.

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  • Posted on May 26, 2020