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Bloating causes: Can coffee cause bloating?

Most people have experienced bloating in their lives, particularly around Christmas or after a heavy night out. However, some of us feel bloated on a day-to-day basis.

What causes bloating of the stomach?

If your abdomen often feels bloated, it could be due to:
• excess farting
• constipation
• swallowing air (from talking while eating etc)
• food intolerance
• Coeliac disease
• irritable bowel syndrome

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Food intolerance can lead to bloating when your bowel doesn’t empty properly.

Too much gas is produced as a reaction to the food, and the gas is trapped.

According to the NHS, the most common foods to cause bloating are wheat, gluten, and dairy products.

If your bloating persists, it could be caused by a more serious condition such as coeliac disease or ovarian cancer.

What foods cause bloating?

The NHS site advises giving up fizzy drinks and foods that cause wind. This includes:
• beans
• onions
• broccoli
• cabbage
• sprouts
• cauliflower

However, you should make sure you still eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and sit down to eat every meal.

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Can coffee cause bloating?

Black coffee can trigger bloating because of its acid content.

Coffee can irritate sensitive stomachs and cause immediate swelling.

Adding sugar or an artificial sweetener can make the problem worse.

The body doesn’t recognise them and they are difficult for the body to digest.

If you are lactose intolerant, adding cream or milk to your drink will cause bloating and other problems with your bowels.

How to stop being bloated

Try keeping a food diary, writing down what you eat and monitoring how different foods make you feel.

More and more people are opting for a ‘gluten free’ diet, but experts say genuine food allergy is rarely to blame.

However, wheat sensitivity or trouble digesting wheat is increasingly common.

Try cutting out bread and other foods containing wheat such as pasta, cereals, cakes and pastries.

Stress can also slow down digestion, leading to bloating, constipation and pain.

You should avoid eating when you feel very stressed, anxious or unhappy if this is the case.

Other basic rules to prevent bloating include:
• Do not rush your food. Take the time to eat slowly. Try putting your fork down between bites and chew each mouthful well.
• Do not overeat. Reduce the size of your portions at mealtimes, or try eating 4 to 5 small meals instead of 3 large ones.
• Eat regularly and try not to skip meals.
• Avoid eating a big meal just before you go to bed. Eat your last meal at least 2 to 3 hours before lying down.
• Make sure you have plenty of water to drink.

Source: Read Full Article

  • Posted on June 29, 2020