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Health News

More than half of all women in the United States are overweight or obese when they become pregnant. While being or becoming overweight during pregnancy can have potential health risks for moms, there...

Buckle up, because Cyber Monday is here! If you’re a parent, that means you can score deals on kids toys, baby gear, and other items your family wants this holiday … at prices that are a smidge...

A new study finds that honey, unlike other sweeteners, may actually be good for cardiometabolic health. The benefits of honey were revealed in studies of people who ate a heavy diet containing 10% or...

Vitamin D supplements do not prevent muscle symptoms in new statin users or affect the likelihood of discontinuing a statin due to muscle pain and discomfort, a substudy of the VITAL trial indicates. Among...

In a recent study published in PLOS Medicine, researchers determined the vaccine effectiveness (VE) of the primary coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination series. They determined VE against severe...

In a recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, researchers explored the lived experiences of individuals with post-acute sequelae of severe acute...

Uganda’s president extended a six-week lockdown Saturday on two districts at the epicenter of an an Ebola outbreak that has claimed 55 lives but said its spread was being curbed. Since the outbreak...

A new study says that eight glasses of water a day is too much, while scientists have been taking to the radio to call out what they tag as #hydrationbollocks. To be really “well”, you’ve got to...

Being lonely is as bad for you as obesity or heart disease – and three million Britons are hit by it. But as our inspiring guide proves… You CAN beat loneliness and this is how Chronic loneliness...

The Hippocratic Oath is a long-standing tradition. But as the practice of medicine has evolved over the two millennia since the oath was created, the ancient text feels less and less applicable to today’s...