Photo: Karim Karti
Karim Karti is the former president of GE Health Imaging and current CEO of RapidAI – a company founded more than 10 years ago by one of the world’s leading stroke researchers...
In advanced and metastatic melanoma patients, fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) from healthy donors in advance of anti–PD-1 immunotherapy led to a 75% clinical benefit rate, defined as complete response,...
Eating a plant-based diet – focusing on vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes – has a bigger impact than you might think.
New research shows it can reduce the risk of bowel cancer in men by 22%.
Could maca coffee replace regular coffee as your new pick-me-up? Adaptogenic maca has a number of reported health properties, but can it be beat a steaming cup of joe in the morning? We tested it out.
Competition between five biologic drugs and their skinny-label biosimilars saved Medicare an estimated $1.5 billion during 2015-2020. But these savings accruing to Medicare and the availability of those...
Dr Michael Mosley discusses low carb meals
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Breaking bones can be life changing events—especially as we age, when hip fractures can become particularly damaging and result in disability, compromised independence and a higher mortality risk.
Mood stabilizers protect against suicide and all-cause mortality in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), including natural mortality, with lithium emerging as the most protective agent, new research suggests.
Children and young people are at risk of financial and emotional harm from in-game purchases, new research shows.
In the report “Between Gaming and Gambling: Children, Young People, and Paid Reward...
British Heart Foundation: Understanding blood clots
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