Rett syndrome is a rare, progressive neurodevelopmental disorder that typically affects girls, causing severe intellectual disability, loss of motor skills, and autism-like symptoms, and there is currently...
What the experts say
Who’s at risk?
Anyone who has already had a heart attack
Individuals with a history of heart disease
Those with high blood pressure or cholesterol levels
Mammals convert the energy stored in adipose (fat) tissue into heat via a process known as thermogenesis. This process is regulated by a family of signaling proteins called sirtuins. A recent study by...
Higher levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) from seafood (oily fish) were associated with a modestly lower incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and a slower decline in renal function,...
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had profound effects, both globally and on a highly personal level. Now, researchers from Japan have developed an accurate way of assessing the effects...
How do you do CPR? Here’s the ultimate, expert-devised guide after ex-TOWIE star Mark Wright breaks down recalling his attempt to save a dying stranger
Life-saving CPR can keep cardiac arrest victims...
Adverse menstruation-related symptoms are common during menstrual cycles, which occur about once a month in healthy women. Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are especially prevalent...
Giving colon cancer patients chemotherapy before surgery cuts their risk of the disease coming back, according to the results of a Cancer Research UK clinical trial.
The FOxTROT trial showed that giving...
A man—for the sake of this exercise, let’s call him “Paul”—has a heart attack and his brain is starved of oxygen. After several resuscitations and a week in a coma, he finally opens...
Though Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 55 million people worldwide, there’s still no cure for the condition—and treatment options are limited.
While recent advancements in the field...
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