A person’s overall health and health outcomes are partly shaped by non-medical factors like the conditions in which they are born, grow, live, work and age. These non-medical factors are called social...
GENEVA (Reuters) -The World Health Organization’s immunisation director praised China on Friday for making quick progress on vaccinating older people with COVID-19 shots and boosters since lifting...
The key to keeping those New Year’s resolutions from fading out by February: Make sure you’ve set achievable goals.
Resolutions are often lifestyle changes and those are best managed when...
Immunotherapies have improved outcomes of many patients with cancer, including melanoma. But these therapies work for only a subset of patients. Numerous studies are looking at improving responses, including...
From whooping cough to tinnitus and psoriasis, how you’re REALLY supposed to pronounce all those confusing medical terms
Have you ever been baffled by some of the words written on your doctors note?
In a recent study published in Cardiovascular Research, researchers evaluated the association between COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) and CVD (cardiovascular disease) and/or death.
Study: Association...
In a recent study posted to the medRxiv* preprint server, researchers evaluated retrospective EQ-5D-5L data collection among coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients.
Study: Assessment of Retrospective...
The terms health and wellness have become interchangeable in the complex world of wellbeing, but is there a difference? And does it really matter either way?
It’s safe to say the wellness industry...
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