Professional football matches played before lockdown, even those in near-empty stadiums, were linked to higher COVID-19 cases and deaths in the local area, a study has found.
The findings suggest that...
Research suggests that when someone eats out or has a takeaway meal, they consume on average 200 more calories per day.
The UK government is encouraging the food industry to support a nation-wide effort...
Spending long periods of time in space can wreak havoc on space traveler health, including negative effects on metabolism, bone and muscle health, gastrointestinal health, immunity and mental health....
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen unprecedented impact on global level, not just on an economic scale but also putting health systems around the world on their limits. At the opening panel of the HIMSS &...
A small Pennsylvania college is requiring students to remain in their dorms 24 hours a day for week — only leaving to use the bathroom or pick up food — and has moved classes online after...
Blue butterfly pea powder has been described as the latest and greatest new ingredient to hit the custom drink world, replacing chemical-filled drinks and other toxic food colouring agents to produce...
It became clear, very early on in the coronavirus pandemic, that lockdown would put domestic abuse victims and survivors at increased risk. But the pandemic has also taken its toll on the people who help...
COVID-19 patients can suffer long-term lung and heart damage but, for many, this tends to improve over time, according to the first, prospective follow-up of patients infected with the coronavirus, presented...
Mental health experts say people are feeling especially stressed about this year’s presidential election.
The feelings of stress are compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as economic pressures.
Heart disease, which is often used interchangeably with the term cardiovascular disease, generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest...
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