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TOPLINE: A family history of breast cancer does not necessarily mean that women who have the disease are more likely to die from it. METHODOLOGY: Investigators reviewed 28,649 Swedish women diagnosed...

In 1974, the LGBTQ+ helpline, Switchboard, was set up for members of the community needing someone to talk to. For years, volunteers listened to anyone who wanted to talk about gender identity and sexuality...

A new research paper was published in Oncotarget's Volume 14 on June 19, 2023, entitled, "Utilizing metformin to prevent metabolic syndrome due to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT): a randomized...

While everyone requires a healthy diet, food production, and supply methods have often caused heavy damage to our planet. Sustainable development thus includes better ways to ensure that the global...

Doctors thought my boy was making up that he couldn’t see… but now he’s slowly going blind aged ELEVEN and relies on a white walking cane By the time Freddie Tennant reaches adulthood...

Covid’s collateral effect on teenage girls: Eating disorders and self-harming rates soar 42% since start of pandemic, study finds Experts believe social isolation and anxiety are among factors to...

Exposure to air pollution meant an average of four extra days in hospital for COVID-19 patients, further increasing the burden on health care systems, according to a new study published in the European...

Eating disorders and self-harm among girls aged 13 to 16 soared during Covid, research has revealed. Scientists said abnormal eating behaviour rose 42 percent and self-harm episodes went up 38 percent...

Alternative splicing, a clever way a cell generates many different variations of messenger RNAs—single-stranded RNAs involved in protein synthesis—and proteins from the same stretch of DNA, plays...

How does the nose know? https://youtube.com/watch?v=uWoYCdTuPAE%3Fcolor%3Dwhite Making a silicon ‘nose’ From the benchtop to the wrist Source: Read Full Article ...