To address health inequities that Indigenous and racialized patients can experience, collect data on racial and Indigenous identity at health card application and renewal, suggests a group of authors...
A diagnostic study on the detection of occlusal caries from a clinical photograph using a deep learning algorithm will be presented at the 101st General Session of the IADR, which will be held in...
Over the past few years, booty building has become one of the biggest aspects of female fitness, at least that’s how it seems online.
These days, you can barely take a few steps in your average commercial...
“When I was 52, I tripped over a pavement and fractured my ankle. I was treated in A&E but wasn’t asked any further questions at that point or given any follow-up care. I’m a keen runner so...
When cancer that starts in the body metastasizes to the brain, it is almost always lethal, in part because so few treatment options exist. Now a new study by Wistar scientists published...
Stress during adolescence can cause postpartum behavioral changes in women and other mammals, including depression and changes in social behavior after the birth of a child.
However, the neural circuit...
The large-spot novel-generation pulsed dye laser achieved a 50% improvement in port-wine birthmarks (PWBs), with about half as many treatments compared with the prior-generation pulsed dye laser.
As more patients with type 2 diabetes seek to reap health benefits from continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), primary care clinicians are learning how to incorporate these devices and the data they collect...
Immunology research led by Harvard Medical School has taken a closer look at the role of B-cells in fighting cancer. In a paper, “B-cell-specific checkpoint molecules that regulate anti-tumor immunity,”...
Leaders from 12 nuclear medicine organizations around the world have issued a white paper about the challenges and opportunities in theranostics education. Published in the June issue of the Journal of...
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